A contest for Vanguard, and many milestones for you!

skoolmunkee at 12:56PM, March 23, 2011

MrHades of Vanguard is running a Pop Culture Competition! After checking out that page I just linked, if you can identify the reference you may win some cool fan art!

Can anyone identify the pop culture reference? In what movie would I be able to find that vest that ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 19: Comic making media, traditional and digital

skoolmunkee at 10:51AM, March 22, 2011

Episode 19: Out With The Old And In With the New, Maybe?

This week we discuss What media can be used when making a comic, traditional vs. digital tools, a quick comparison of color vs. black and white, and more!

Topics and Show Notes:

Featured comic:
- The Rangetsu Experiment
Featured ...

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skoolmunkee's Wednesday Laff Revue

skoolmunkee at 3:21PM, March 16, 2011

Good evening ladies and germs! How are you all doing tonight? Me, I'm beat! I just flew in from Pittsburgh and boy are my arms tired! I'm gonna do my best to put on a good show for you tonight though, because I have a strong work ethic ...

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MONDAY FEATURE -> The Rangetsu Experiment

skoolmunkee at 2:10AM, March 14, 2011

Captain Sephero, a knight of the Holy Roman Empire posted in Germany to keep the protestants under control, keeps having a dream where he sees a Japanese man losing everything and then carrying out vengeance on the demon responsible. What does it mean? Is the man real? Sephero has other ...

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Check out the DrunkDuck Tech Blog!

srhdt at 1:18PM, March 9, 2011

Hi everyone!

As we get closer to the launch of our new and improved site, WOWIO's Head of Technology (and the man overseeing programming/development of the new site) Lawrence Leach has begun a Tech Blog on DD to help keep users informed as to some of the changes ...

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Plenty of opportunities to pimp yourself around in this newspost!

skoolmunkee at 9:37AM, March 9, 2011

Hey guys! There's lots of great, interesting recent interviews up in the Interviews subforum, so be sure and check them out, and leave a reply saying what you thought!

Trawling through the Networking and Community subforum, I see that I Am The 1337 Master is recruiting for Paint Force ...

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DrunkDuck Site Redesign Blog #4

srhdt at 10:22AM, March 4, 2011

Hi Everyone!

Time for another weekly update on our site redesign development process. We're currently working on improving the uploading process for comic pages. In order to optimize page loading efficiency, uploaded comic pages will be re-sampled to a standard .png format. Going through this step will not only ...

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Thor's Thundershack interview, and where did all these milestones come from?!

skoolmunkee at 11:44AM, March 2, 2011

http://www.drunkduck.com/community/view_topic.php?tid=55712 or at least that's the most digits my calculator's screen can hold.

I update Thursday and Sunday, although honestly, it's often Friday and Monday. My rule is that, as long as it's Thursday or Sunday somewhere; I ...

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DrunkDuck Site Redesign Blog #3

srhdt at 10:25AM, Feb. 25, 2011

Hi everyone!

Just another quick update on our progress with the DrunkDuck site rebuild. The developers are currently focused on working through backend programming of the site, with some frontend work progressing nicely as well. We're still on target to open up a public beta of the new site ...

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Sneaking in some news before the weekend!

skoolmunkee at 7:11AM, Feb. 25, 2011

On Thursday, Ometh's Underscore reached 50 pages! Congrats Ometh!

Purgatory by thip concludes its 6-year run on Saturday, at page 312, with the final posting being a double page! Purgatory is a well-done and popular comic, so you should be sure and send it off in style. :]

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