DD member interviews are GO! Not-contest results! Super sized news!

skoolmunkee at 11:12AM, Nov. 28, 2010

I know it was a slow weekend for some of you, but stuff happened while you were gone, you know! Most especially, I've posted some DD member interviews- you should really check them out!

First though, some milestones, and a very special announcement for a very special comic:

Arachnid ...

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The newspost with a lot of talking and voices stuff in it!

skoolmunkee at 12:51PM, Nov. 19, 2010

What's up, gang? Just because it's back to business as usual here at DD doesn't mean you can sit around! There's a couple cool things you can participate in going on RIGHT NOW!

Harkovast and ifelldownthestairs have recorded another podcast for The Webcomic Review Comic on ...

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Welcome to the redesigned Drunk Duck!

skoolmunkee at 2:30AM, Nov. 2, 2010

DrunkDuck is running at a decent speed now (they have had to do a bunch of server configurations), but there’s still some lingering issues (mostly having to do with site redirects) that need to be spotted and fixed.

- Currently URLs are case-sensitive, and often require a / at the end ...

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The catalogue of awesome, and some awesome milestones too

skoolmunkee at 8:35AM, Oct. 29, 2010

Sorry this is slightly late guys, I've had a distracting week and whenever I remembered I had a newspost to do I was away from the computer or already in bed or something. Also um I have kind of been playing New Vegas a lot. But here it is ...

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THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> Hasben and Hash

Ozoneocean at 11:56PM, Oct. 27, 2010

Fancy some old fashioned style newspaper type comic strips? Hasben and Hash is heaps of traditional humour strip comic goodness! staring a hapless postman (mailman to you Yanks), and a clever but sassy dog with the silly situations they get into and some interesting commentary. This is one of those ...

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I have a surprise for you. The surprise is news. Surprise!

skoolmunkee at 5:28AM, Oct. 22, 2010

Koshou's Kimeral reaches 150 pages today! She's also just starting the 4th chapter!

Energize by Nepath saw its 150th page on Wednesday the 20th! The character also features in the new sequel to the collaborative comic Crossoverlord, which is titled Crossoverkill!

On Thursday, Dark Sisters by Lopriest reached ...

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Couple of milestones, and The Assemblers has finished!

skoolmunkee at 10:47AM, Oct. 10, 2010

Survival Artist's The Assemblers (which you may remember being featured) has finished! That's right, it's done. Survival Artist would like to say, “It's been quite a ride and I couldn't have done it without DD support, and the readership the feature got me didn't ...

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Ozoneocean at 1:05AM, Oct. 7, 2010

CJ has just moved to a new home, he's not sure how he's going to fit in, nothing feels right, nothing feels the same… Then he loses his favourite basketball! But after meeting party animal Chris and his ADD friend Rob, things start to look up. They plan ...

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THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> The Only Half Saga

Ozoneocean at 12:23AM, Sept. 30, 2010

Cabal is a dhampir; not quite human, not quite vampire. He walks between both worlds, not sure which to side with… The United Sates is nothing but a radioactive wasteland, vampiric predators stalk the remnants of humanity, harassing their attempts to preserve civilisation. This is Cabal's world, or what ...

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Wowio announces a live web event for 24-Hour Comics Day

skoolmunkee at 1:45AM, Sept. 29, 2010

Special message from Carly_Mizzou and the folks at Wowio!

We love three things.

Comics, comic creators, and staying UP ALL NIGHT!

So, check out WeVolt.com's around the clock LIVE coverage of 24 Hour Comics Day at Pulp Fiction Comics in Long Beach, Ca.

http://www.ustream.com/wowio ...

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