Monday's news on Sunday night

skoolmunkee at 2:36PM, Sept. 7, 2008

For a change, why don't I put these in numeric order why not?

Avatar of Fire by mattwandcow has rolled up to 150! Only 10 months old too!

Eduds says, Life (and Maybe) Death of Ed has reached 200 pages!

Also at 200 pages is Deadpill by AshleeS!

picatrix ...

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Hello friends! Time for more news? Zoidberg says yes!

skoolmunkee at 11:52AM, Sept. 4, 2008

Sorry the news is a bit late today. The site is going super-slow for me and doesn't want to load anything. I got tired of messing with it and came back later.

solidjake is running a contest for his comic Random Crapola! Help name the main character! The names ...

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Nine o-clock and all's well

skoolmunkee at 12:49AM, Sept. 1, 2008

I wonder if modern newspaper guys get to yell “Stop the presses” just like the olden-times guys did? That would be fun.

Contest winner!

DrunkDuck user Moondog (who does the comic Crackwalker) has let me know that he has won a contest run on Zeros2Heroes which let him get one ...

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Hey all! Hope you like news!

skoolmunkee at 4:01AM, Aug. 28, 2008

We've got a bunch of milestones today, so let's get started, shall we?

Return to Evil Inc by Kikaru has reached “25 pages of glory. With an awesome plot page too. I put literally hours of minutes of effort into it. It shall be awesome. Yeah XD” Yeah ...

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Comic Book Challenge and Milestones

skoolmunkee at 4:26AM, Aug. 13, 2008

Remember Surfboards and Rayguns? Remember the Comic Book Challenge? Let's hope so because Surfboards and Rayguns is now in the Comic Book Challenge's Top Ten! The Top Ten are now open to voting and there are video pitches of the creators, including Bradleyo!

Personally I'm quite proud ...

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Superfogeys milestone!

skoolmunkee at 3:05AM, July 31, 2008

Those lovable old scamps the Superfogeys have hit 150 pages today! Keep on truckin' Brock!

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Guess what guys? You can remove favorites again!

skoolmunkee at 12:46AM, July 30, 2008

Well things seem to be happening around here, and I for one like it!

To remove a comic you had favorited (but don't want any more):
1. Open up the MyFavorites menu so they are all listed
2. Click on ‘Edit Favorites Preferences’ at the bottom of that list ...

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Hey all! Just a quick one today.

skoolmunkee at 6:25AM, July 26, 2008

I've updated the Big Community Projects Thread so be sure to swing by and check out the new ones (or old ones!) and see if there's any you'd like to participate in! Most notably, Quack With the Ducks is going to start its 3rd round, and Tired ...

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Hey, it looks like something is going on with the news bar!

skoolmunkee at 2:28AM, July 24, 2008

Thursday's featured comic is Better Luck Next Time!
Meet Teddy Atwater, a kid who only did enough to scrape by… until a sports injury meant he couldn't even manage that. Now he has to repeat the sixth grade, which is no easy task when you have the friends ...

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Hey guys you know what Monday means right?

skoolmunkee at 4:18AM, July 21, 2008

Monday's featured comic is The Necropolis Chronicles!
Jaina's first day at her new boarding school is a drag. No one likes her, and the feeling is mutual. Jaina knows she is different from her schoolmates- but she doesn't quite realize just how different until she's captured ...

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