MONDAY FEATURE -- Jimmy Solar and King Phantom!

skoolmunkee at 12:59AM, Aug. 10, 2009

Jimmy Solar is an alien-dog-lookin' guy, space guy on a mission, guy with a faithful friend that says ‘squeep’, thorn in the bad-guy's-side kind of guy, maybe a little bit inept but knows how to make a spaceship go around and shoot lasers. That's really all that's ...

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THURSDAY FEATURE---> A Girl Called Hate

skoolmunkee at 3:12AM, Aug. 6, 2009

Hate- sorry, Harriet- is a girl who hates just about everything. Especially other people. Saying she's antisocial isn't doing her justice. On the one hand, you wonder why anyone bothers being nice to her… on the other, you wonder when she's going to stop being afraid of ...

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Monday feature - 1 DOLLAR

skoolmunkee at 1:15AM, Aug. 3, 2009

This little comic does a very simple thing: it tells the story of a dollar's life. Where has that dollar been? Who has used it? For what? Aside from looking perfectly lovely, it cleverly uses storytelling elements to move the dollar's story forward one ‘snapshot’ at a time ...

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Ozoneocean at 11:52PM, July 29, 2009


This is a humour comic strip about the funny side of childhood. Amuse yourself at the bad things that happen to these poor kids. In a lot of ways, these situations are funny because they're often pretty true to life.

Written and illustrated by fr33z3dry, read Jerk Wadz! Rated ...

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"Featured" Comic- the Drunk Duck Awards 2009

skoolmunkee at 4:46AM, July 27, 2009

“Featured” Comic- the Drunk Duck Awards 2009!

A lot of people didn't realize that these were happening last year, so we're hoping that featuring them will give them some publicity and help bring in lots of nominations! These are put together and run by you guys from start ...

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THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> Spacefighters on Earth

Ozoneocean at 2:56AM, July 23, 2009


Spacefighters on Earth is about a brave bunch of fearless Spacefighters who are, get this: On the Earth! These fearless men and women strive valiantly to protect their 1950's world from that red alien menace. They fight for truth, freedom and the American (and Russian) way, by golly, and ...

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Monday's feature - Denizens! Attention!

skoolmunkee at 10:06PM, July 19, 2009

Alicka and Winston have to stick together, as the misfit siblings. It's because they're imperfect little brats, according to their control freak mom who hates them. They're really not that bad, just a bit nonconformist- but as punishment, their mother is about to send them to Winterkill ...

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THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> Izzy Wanders Around and Does Stuff

Ozoneocean at 12:37AM, July 16, 2009


Izzy is a mushroom. A magic mushroom… but not the kind that makes you hallucinate. If you saw Izzy coming towards you though, you might think that you were.
Izzy is a bad tempered, grumpy, rude, and yet loveable little guy. He was thrown out of the magic forest because ...

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Monday's feature- CERINTHA

skoolmunkee at 3:04AM, July 13, 2009

Cerintha is a weak, greedy, lazy, and somewhat dense woman (and a bad soldier). Due to not too much fault of her own, she's being chased across the countryside by her former commander in the army, a madwoman with godlike powers, another madwoman with a big sword, and an ...

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Ozoneocean at 10:46PM, July 8, 2009


Al and Scout are two cats. That's as much as you need to know really, because cats are cute and amazing and funny and wonderful and everyone on the internet (who is smart), knows this. Cats are the internet mascot animal! Anyway, Ed Cho creates this hilarious and cute ...

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