The Dark Broadcasting Experiment

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Jan. 5, 2018

Looking for an excuse to begin a Twitter account for your webcomic? Well, I have one for you!

A recent community has dropped a pebble in the lake that is the Twitter webcomic world and has begun to make waves by dedicating the month of January to “dark broadcasting”. The ...

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Quackcast 355 - New Years cliffhanger!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 2, 2018


Happy 2018 everybody! Another year passes and a new one has just begun. We recorded this Quackcast on the 30th of December so it was the very last Quackcast of 2017. Pitface was drunk and very entertaining, drinking beer from her new drinking horn, you can hear her entertaining ...

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Happy New Year 2018, Drunk Duck!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 1, 2018

The first day of the year is always filled with an assessment of the previous year, reflection of one's improvement, and hope.

We would like to wish everyone in the Drunk Duck family a year full of creative ideas, ambition, and the determination to keep drawing comics.

What's ...

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The Cliffhanger

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Dec. 30, 2017

Tis the season to be jolly, and I have a milestone to announce to everyone!

The adult webcomic M.Organ Art will reach 700 pages Sunday, December 31st. Woohoo! NSFW obviously.

And I also have an extra reason to celebrate as this is not only my last newspost of 2017 ...

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The Power of How

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Dec. 29, 2017

We are only a couple of days away from the end of 2017; another year done and dusted and placed on the shelf. Is this a year you’ll look back on with fondness, or has this been an up and down adventure for you? As we gear up for ...

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It's Cold Outside

Banes at 12:00AM, Dec. 28, 2017

It's downright freezing out there - colder than the norm for this time of year (in recent years at least). And it's going to stay cold, they tell us.


So, comics artists, how do you DRAW “cold”?

There are a few ways that come to mind:

Mostly, I ...

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Quackcast 354 - Christmascast

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 26, 2017


Merry Christmas! It's that time of year again… well, the end of the year. Banes was ill with the dreaded lurgi so Pit, Tantz and I were left to our own devices to chat about Christmas and our fave Christmas movies. What's yours?

This week Gunwallce has ...

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Merry Christmas, Drunk Duck!!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Dec. 25, 2017

I love to see a great Christmas miracle. Chalk it up to watching It's a Wonderful Life or A Christmas Carol and having a surprise ending where a community comes through and brings a surprise present for the main character. I believe I have just witnessed a Christmas miracle ...

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The Turn

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Dec. 23, 2017

There are few scenes more dramatic, more alluring and more riveting than the moment when the one of the main characters of a story makes the Turn: the moment where they change their convictions- for better or worse.

If properly prepared, the Turn is an extremely cathartic and exciting moment ...

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Using social media to get Senpai to notice you

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Dec. 22, 2017

As we gear up for the holiday season, we take this time to reflect on the year and decide on the inevitable New Year’s resolutions that follow. Whilst most will add, “Take better care of the plants”, “Do more exercise,” and “Finally get my life together,” to the list ...

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