Holiday Time!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 14, 2016

Hello my lovelies!
Ozoneocean here, one of the admins of DD… But most people know that already :D

Hippie Van usually posts news today but she can't right now so a quick word from me instead!
I am going away today for two weeks to travel in Thailand and ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 12, 2016

This is a world where people have powers, become registered and work as superheroes. But what happens if you don't make the cut? If you have power, but not quite enough, or the right temperament to join the ranks of the heroes? You become useless, like poor Bonnie… she ...

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QUACKCAST 292 - Separating the art from the artists

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 11, 2016

Ayn Rand and The Fountainhead movie poster

Separating the art from the artist, the message from the messenger… Can you do this?
You know, when you find out an actor, musician, comic artist or whatever is an arsehole or says things you disagree with or is a criminal, can ...

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Do you have a "Sandbox Webcomic"?

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Oct. 10, 2016

Recently, one of Drunk Duck's O.G. webcomic creators, hpkomic, posted on the forums about a new wiki that is starting which allows webcomic creators (such as yourself) to draft a wiki page about your original comic. The only real requirement is that your comic can be considered a ...

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Incomprehensible Notes to Yourself

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Oct. 7, 2016

I think we all do this – you leave a quick note to yourself with some great idea you’ve had, or something you need to remember to do later on. Days, weeks, or months later you re-discover the note and you have no idea what your past self was thinking ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Story of the Soul

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Oct. 5, 2016

Sig Treifa has discovered a gem from his father's research that fused with his left hand. For reasons unknown, he and his sister, Anna, had to leave their hometown and have become full-time squatters in South Town, a place with too much sunlight. Sig and Anna have teamed up ...

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QUACKCAST 291 - The philosophy and politics of comics

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 4, 2016

Raphael's School of Athens.

This week's Quackcast is brought to us by Tantz Ariene! Tantz is a very political creature, seeing as she comes from Athens which is pretty much the birthplace of politics AND philosophy, that's hardly surprising. Clever Tantz in her tantzglasses, dudeman Banes ...

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Be on the Jonathin Quackup #1 "Personalized" Comic Book Cover!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Oct. 3, 2016

This article was written by raytoons of Jonathin Quackup of the Planet Weralt on Drunk Duck.

The Jonathin Quackup of the Planet Weralt series tells the story that takes place in the fantastical planet of Weralt. The world was once protected my a mysterious beings called the Quacki. They protected ...

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On Calling It Quits

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Sept. 30, 2016

This newspost was inspired by a milestone of sorts sent to me by awsome owl 98, so I suppose I ought to start with that! His comic Powell and Derry has just wrapped up after five years and 374 pages. He’s also written a long post in the forums ...

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Surprise and Suspense courtesy of the Master

Banes at 12:00AM, Sept. 29, 2016

Sorry for the lack of picture! Computer is not cooperating. I'll add one today if I can!

You may already know of Alfred Hitchcock's take on surprise and suspense. Here it is:

“There is a distinct difference between “suspense” and “surprise,” and yet many pictures continually confuse the ...

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