Thursdays With Banes - Contrast and Conflict

Banes at 12:00AM, July 2, 2015

Ozoneocean has been goodly enough to let me participate on the DD front page on Thursdays. So I'll be jabbering here weekly and attempting to be

1. Entertaining and/or
2. Informative and/or
3. Punctual

It's a treat to get to do this, so thanks!


The ...

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MASSIVE EXPLOSIONS!!!! ...I mean,Thursdays feature is: Bear Versus Zombies!

Ozoneocean at 11:01PM, March 25, 2009


You HAVE to check out this comic. Comedy action at its most awesome! Bear must get revenge for his dead mate against the hordes of green, stinking zombies! Watch as bear fights like a big brown shaggy demon, using all the weapons he has at his disposal. I don't ...

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skoolmunkee at 7:02AM, Dec. 27, 2006

The DD community project Short Stories has begun! Check them out - pairs of artists and writers got together to do 2-5 page stories about “life” … the first few are up already!

akakios3's Rick and Daphne has reached 200 strips! A huge congrats to you!

Phineus, Magician for Hire volume ...

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Slipping in some more news~

Black_Kitty at 10:54AM, Sept. 7, 2006

Got a message from Barb who does the fantastic comic Return of the Exile!

Hi! I jsut wanted to let you know, that on our Drunk Duck mirror, we are going to run the eight page Epilogue story that was available payperview earlier this year. We're going to run ...

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