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How about having it so anyone in your story can die?
Let me explain: It's fake. NOT just anyone can die OK? Your main character will ...
QUACKCAST 442 - Death comes to all
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Sept. 3, 2019QUACKCAST 440 - Character tropes VS characterisation
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 20, 2019 LISTEN on our new player!
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Today we compare and contrast two ways of making characters: starting with a pure archetype and building it with tropes, or creating a character organically through circumstance ...
QUACKCAST 438 - You just don't get it
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 6, 2019 LISTEN on our new player!
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Sometimes your audience just doesn't pick up on the clever symbolism, the hints, the metaphor, the underlying themes and all the artistic cleverness in writing and ...
QUACKCAST 436 - Master of none?
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 23, 2019 LISTEN on our new player!
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To become truly successful at one thing you need to focus on that alone. Is it worth it?
There are MANY calls on our time with all ...
QUACKCAST 427 - Betrayal
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 21, 2019 LISTEN on our new player!
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Betrayal is an interesting thing to use in fiction. You can have betrayal of your nation, your organisation, friends, lovers, religion, beliefs, self. In stories it can ...
QUACKCAST 425 - Pay-off or rip-off?
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 7, 2019 LISTEN on our new player!
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In this Quackcast we chat about set-ups. pay-offs, and rip-offs. To make your climaxes and endings more satisfying you have pay-offs for audience expectations: set them up ...
QUACKCAST 423 - Fave weapons in fiction?
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 23, 2019 LISTEN on our new player!
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What's your favourite weapon in fiction?
Mine are ridiculously giant swords, huge anti-tank rifles, and mecha. There are a lot of complex reasons for weapon choices ...
QUACKCAST 337 - Interview with AmeliaP of Kings Club
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 29, 2017 LISTEN!
This week we interview the artist and creator of the comic Kings Club, AmeliaP! Her comic was featured and Gunwallace also gave it a theme tune that was featured in Quackcast 335. AmeliaP is a talented professional comic creator and game designer. We couldn't interview her directly because ...