Gosh the newsposts are hopping lately!

skoolmunkee at 8:32AM, April 27, 2006

LowResAtari's Mixed Bag Comics has reached 150 comics today, and he has made some special entertainment for his visitors in Flash! Hypnotoad demands you visit.

spoonerman is running a competition at his comic, Space Unknown, whereby the person who submits the best filler wins. You can read more about ...

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More announcements!

Black_Kitty at 11:04AM, April 19, 2006

Firstly, I want to apologize to everyone who sent me a private message and didn't get a response. I got your message but I hadn't been able to reply and things just started to pile up.

So think of this newspost as my response to you all. :)

Yami ...

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The return of....

Volte6 at 7:32PM, March 8, 2006

mister meh.

'nuff said.

Added by skoolmunkee:

Mister Meh (or Anthony Wu) also has a comic up for voting in the Top 20 of the current Rising Stars of Manga contest by Tokyopop. If you'd care to see the entries and throw a vote someone's way, the entries ...

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