THURSDAY FEATURE --> Adventures of Wristance

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 25, 2012

Humour. Drama. Side Ponytail.
Wristance is a crazy character and definitely an interesting person. Between the drugs, clubbing, her funny friends and her insane ‘Voice of Reason" embodied in the form of a grinning speed addict fox, there’s a lot to love about and laugh at with Wristance! She ...

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Are you ready to milestones???

skoolmunkee at 12:39PM, Oct. 24, 2012

As of Monday, Times Like This by PyThomas is 5 years old!

El Cid's Death P*rn has reached its 350th page! The whole world should know… and tremble!

from PaulEberhartd:

I'd like to announce that my comic, Master the Tiger has officially turned three years old!

I ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 100 - Ah needs mah stories

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 23, 2012


In Quackcast 100 we open up the influential stories topic to the community! Our Duckers let us know what stories have made the biggest impact on them as creators and comicers. Banes and I read them out in hilarious voices with lots of laughing at our own jokes ...

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It's 24 Hour Comic Day! Also we got milestones!

skoolmunkee at 11:32AM, Oct. 20, 2012

It's 24 Hour Comic Day, are you participating? If so, send your finished comics to The DD24 Hour 2012 collection, run by Product Placement! Just like previous years, if you do a 24 hour comic you can have it added there! That way it's really easy for people ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 18, 2012

Goblin Tale is about a small goblin domestic worker and his crazy adventures working for a wizard in his tower. As you can imagine, this isn't your normal sort of cleaning job, working in a wizard tower has its own special set of challenges, one of those includes an ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 99 - Halloween's a commin!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 16, 2012


This week Banes and I are once again joined by the two lovely and talented comic creators Tantz Aerine and Pit Face. They share with us their thoughts on the upcoming phenomena of Halloween it's impact on and traditional place in web-comics annually, beasties and monsters associated ...

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24 Hour ComĂ­cs day- it's soon!

skoolmunkee at 10:06AM, Oct. 12, 2012

24-Hour Comics Day is almost here! It's next Saturday, the 20th - if you don't know about it, the point of this day is to get 24 comic pages done in 24 consecutive hours! Sounds like quite a feat- I've never been able to manage it, but plenty ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 11, 2012

Ace is the main character here! Sometimes she's a little down, sometimes she's high on life and sometimes she's just laughing at its absurdities. Odd Days is about the odd days of a young woman with awesome hair facing all the trails and tribulations of real life ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 98 - Storytime with Dr Banes

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 9, 2012


This week Bane's bright idea was to talk about our favourite stories and explain just WHY they're our faves, telling about what we take away from them or how they've changed us or formed us, what resonated in those stories with us. I talk about ...

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Featured comic -> Monochromatic

skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, Oct. 8, 2012

Brandon is a young guy in a job he hates working with people he doesn't like… this may sound a little familiar! He's trying to find a new job, but no one's hiring him. His parents are worried. His dog wants to play. But all he wants ...

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