hot water for me!

skoolmunkee at 12:37PM, Feb. 26, 2008

I'm gonna make this quick because I intend to limp off to the bath and have Calgon take me away!

The lovely Pictures of You by Gibson Twist has posted its 200th page!

crocty's Frank and Vinny has reached its 100th page, and is also 1 year old ...

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A special plea from skoolmunkee!

skoolmunkee at 4:50PM, Feb. 23, 2008

OK guys, I'm going to reveal a secret here. A BIG one.

The average number of clicks a featured comic can expect to get (if it has a good thumbnail and blurb) is about 7,000 views its first day of being featured. In a few notable instances (recently ...

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My cooker is broken! :[

skoolmunkee at 12:24PM, Feb. 4, 2008

How are you? Good? That's good. Good!

OK guys, I'll tell you something: I've been naughty. I've had lots of PQs for newsposts for a while now and been too lazy to make the newspost. I know, I'm a disappointment to us all. :[ So, let ...

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Some sort of title!

skoolmunkee at 11:49AM, Jan. 28, 2008

Is that the sound of someone turning 25 pages old that I hear? Why I think it is! Look, there it comes now:

Rumbles by Vakanai!

Obscene Cuisine by jazzy has also reached 25 pages, and also has some news about an OC collection on his latest page!

oachambers has ...

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I'm hungry

skoolmunkee at 11:58AM, Dec. 13, 2007

maskedmonkey's Random Funny Stuff has hit (and gone past actually) 25 pages!

EtheC by KeiganLee337 has reached its 50th update! Go check it out!

Also at 50 pages is kyupol's MAG-ISA!

Empty Brooke tells me that Demonics has reached its 100th page today! Congrats!

bongotezz also has a ...

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Here is a newspost that I have made

skoolmunkee at 1:51PM, Dec. 10, 2007

Hey folks! Just as a reminder about what we'll make newsposts about, check out this forum thread!

The Asylumantics will be posting its 250th page this coming Friday. Also, I've re-released two Asylumantics comic collections just in time for the holidays. Readers can purchase them (and more ...

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The last newspost of November 2007 (probably?)

SpANG at 3:19PM, Nov. 29, 2007

edit: skoolmunkee has added a couple to the end! Be sure to check!

Here are some milestones and announcements for youz guyz!

slimredninja would like to announce the following bit of awesomeness:

Morning Squirtz is back after a long hiatus we are about to post a couple of new ...

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Some like it hot.

Volte6 at 10:37AM, Nov. 19, 2007

Lots of cool stuff happening in our little section of tubes on the intarweb.

Zuda comics is advertising with us! You'll see their banners around the site, give them a click and check it out!

Also, you'll notice that stylish red/black video player on DrunkDuck…. and likely ...

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Stephen King's new book is terrible

skoolmunkee at 12:43PM, Oct. 15, 2007

Hey guys I'm gonna be gone for three weeks so send news items to Black_Kitty or ozoneocean or SpANG, allright?

Man, what I wouldn't give for an automatic sort of submission news thing! Then I could just click and be all, yes, yes, no, yes, HELL no, hmm ...

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That's right, the sensation you've all heard about is here, skoolmunkee's NewsaTonic

skoolmunkee at 12:39PM, Oct. 12, 2007


Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome. If I may have your attention for just a moment or two, just a minute or three of your time today, I promise that I will tell you something and sell you something that will ...

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