Are you ready for RADIO PLAY 2013, MAFIA XLIX, and BLUE STRAWBERRY???

skoolmunkee at 12:15AM, May 30, 2013


Blue Strawberry by Eduds is now 175 strips old!


Mafia XLIX (sounds kinda kinky) is now open for signups!

Thirdly, and most grandiosely,
~*~*~*~*~*~* trumpet fanfare!! ~*~*~*~*~*~*
The Whilom Czarina (TWC), ayesinback, officially announces her Faith and Pleasure in the newly-penned 2013 Radio Play: The Third Duck written by none ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 125 - 2013 DD Awards Time

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 14, 2013


Niccea tells Ozoneocean all about this year's DD comic awards! They're just starting and just beginning to pick up steam! You can join the discussion to help direct how the awards will work, you can try and become an awards judge or you can even try ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 116 - Bravo in the Valley of the Dolls

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 12, 2013


This week Banes and I speak to the dangerous, paranoid, recluse known ONLY by the mysterious call sign: Bravo1102. We tracked this fearsome wildman down, deep in a dark forest, living alone in a lonely lone shack, feeding on squirrels and noodle flavoured earthworms. It was from this ...

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2013 DD Awards Discussion aaand Lots of lovely Putrid Meat!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 15, 2013


Pitface says: I've just uploaded my new PM page for Monday AND it's the 175 milestone DAH-LINGS!. Read page 175 of Putrid Meat!

And Gullas says: OMFGWTFBBQ!Ö!=!)!(U2013!!!!1
There comes a time in everyone's life were you have to make a ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 102 - Banes and Ozone's Bogus Journey

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 6, 2012


For Quackcast 101 and 102 now and the coming of Halloween Banes and I returned to the theme of horror, opening the subject up to contributions from the community! We start off with a tale of horror and fear from the cold, white frozen north…
And then diving ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 101 - Horror mark II, part one

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 30, 2012


For Quackcast 101 and the coming of Halloween, Banes and I thought we'd return to horror yet again. This time we opened the subject to the DD community to get their thoughts on the subject: What are your fave horror stories, What do you find scary, How ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 100 - Ah needs mah stories

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 23, 2012


In Quackcast 100 we open up the influential stories topic to the community! Our Duckers let us know what stories have made the biggest impact on them as creators and comicers. Banes and I read them out in hilarious voices with lots of laughing at our own jokes ...

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Featured comic -> Distractions

skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, Oct. 21, 2012

Guy LeBrun wakes up in a cave, tied to a chair and blindfolded. A mysterious man is speaking to him, making him recount the events that led up to his predicament. A chance meeting before work with an old friend who asks touchy questions about his work at a nuclear ...

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Two weeks left for DD Awards volunteers!

skoolmunkee at 12:03PM, Aug. 15, 2012

The Drunk Duck Awards is halfway through the volunteer phase- in a little more than two weeks, all the winners will have been decided and the awards ceremony will be on its way! That also means that if you've volunteered, you might still have some work to do!

The ...

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THURSDAY FEATURE --> Mailbox Rocketship

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 12, 2012

Keith McDonald can't sleep anymore, he lies awake at night waiting for his alarm clock to go off. It's torture. But his life changes when his bubbly friend Cassi encourages him to see his science minded friend Mike. Keith is suddenly blessed with amazing super human powers and ...

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