Today's featured comic is Off The Grid!

skoolmunkee at 9:59AM, Nov. 6, 2008

Today's featured comic is Off The Grid!

Mitch and Steve are roomates living in Austin. They get along as well as you could expect - Steve's idea of a ‘veggie friendly’ meal for Mitch is a chili dog with sprouts on top; Mitch doesn't care how cruel the ...

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It's peanut butter santa time!

skoolmunkee at 4:43PM, Nov. 4, 2008

Hello everyone, I am back! Actually I have been back for almost 2 weeks now (geez) but for some reason I spent most of my free time playing on my 360. Oblivion is a WONDERFUL time waster. I love those Ayleid ruins.

Ozone had a pretty good idea with these ...

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Spang and Ozone hate your news and think you smell

skoolmunkee at 2:04AM, Nov. 4, 2008

Well, maybe they do, I mean I'm just guessing here.

Really though, I'm back now, so you can send news to me again!

If you've already sent something to Spang or ozoneocean it will still get announced, you shouldn't need to re-send anything to me. :)

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Monday's feature is Last Call!

Ozoneocean at 10:02PM, Nov. 2, 2008

Last call is definitely an M rated humour comic, so beware you people who are easily offended and you people under the age of 15, This isn't a good one for you. Last call is about the life of Abby: A woman who drinks, smokes and eats what she ...

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Happy Hallows thingy... early

Ozoneocean at 10:52PM, Oct. 30, 2008


Woooo….. Yeah! Crappy animated gifs!!! Isn't that scary? It's like we went back in time to 1998! o_O
OMG! Then webcomics would all still be on Geocities… NOOoooooooooo!!!!


Carrollhach has some good news!

Clench and Cheese is reaching 300 strips in a week or so ...

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Punk Pink is Thursday's feature!!!

Ozoneocean at 10:01PM, Oct. 29, 2008

Klutzy Tenkyo never expected a new friend to just wash ashore one night, and things only got weirder: from crazed robots to ghost ships, Punk-Pink is a whimsical comedy-adventure not to be missed!
-That's how its creator Hapoppo describes it, and that's pretty spot-on actually. Punk Pink is ...

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Milestones and other stuff!

SpANG at 4:05PM, Oct. 29, 2008

Not too much today, just clearing out my in-bin….

My comic Starfox Declassified has hit its 100th page! In celebration, I have decided to hold an event in the forums, the results of which will be reflected in my comic.

CornBreadtm's comic Stolidus Longinus just hit 25 pages ...

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Hiatus news!

SpANG at 8:36PM, Oct. 27, 2008

It's not often you get GOOD hiatus news, but here's two instances of it righ 'chere!

megan_rose tells us that I Was Kidnapped By Lesbian Pirates From Outer Space is back after it falsely said it was going on hiatus. SHAME! :P

I thought I'd need ...

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Monday's Feature is Lego Space!

Ozoneocean at 11:35PM, Oct. 26, 2008

The world of Lego Space is a pretty funny place. In this photo comic you'll be introduced to all aspects of the Lego Space universe and meet the hilarious characters within it, from the twins Lance and Vance to Lego Space's own Fonze: Commander Schwartz. Interestingly, Kdog (the ...

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ozoneocean has also quit....

SpANG at 11:49AM, Oct. 26, 2008

… Posting the NEWS so I guess I have to! :D

Elanor Pam tells us that God of Destruction has gotten to 150 pages, and there's still much more to come. Congrats!

TakeshiG lets us know that on Oct 25th Digimon Elements hit the 25th and ...

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