FRIDAY NEWSPOST - A New Way Forward for DrunkDuck

HippieVan at 12:00AM, July 25, 2014

After some drama with the website the other day (I'm sure most of you noticed that the site was down for a time) and some cleverness on the part of ozoneocean, I'm writing my first newspost with DD officially under community control.

I'm pretty darn excited, and ...

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Underdogs, Underserved, and Underrated Comics: An Interview with Locoma of Anti Featured!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, March 31, 2014

Last week I was able to chat with lifetime DrunkDuck member Locoma about his process in selecting comics for his Anti-Featured comic. As a fellow featured comic reviewer and fan of underdog comics, I had a lot of curiosity going into the interview about the underground feature reviewer. Plenty of ...

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FRIDAY NEWSPOST - Newspost Guidelines 2.0!

HippieVan at 6:00AM, March 14, 2014

kawaiidaigakusei and I have been doing newsposts for a while now, so we have put together a set of guidelines that should make it easier to DDers to know how to get their news on the front page!

Please leave feedback either here in the comments or in this forum ...

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FRIDAY NEWSPOST - Hippie Van: Lost Webcomics Detective

HippieVan at 12:00AM, March 7, 2014

In which I put on my Nancy Drew outfit and search out deleted webcomics and their creators!

Locoma (of Anti Featured) recently suggested that I do a newspost about those mysterious webcomics whose archives are deleted and which disappear forever. I couldn't think of very many on my own ...

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Keeping Up With Thursday hits over the 300 page mark!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 28, 2013

Keeping up with Thursday! has hit over 300 pages!!!!

Itsjustaar had this to say:
Or 303, rather. :)
Keeping up with Thursday has been at Issue 9 and technically is on hiatus and just updates every Thursday of the week, mainly because of some jobs I've undertaken on the side ...

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BASO hits 200, and Drunk Duck Awards trophy voting!

skoolmunkee at 12:00AM, June 10, 2013

OK- all the submitted designs for the DD Awards 2013 trophies are in, and it's now your job to vote on the one you'd like to see used! Just stop by this forum thread, have a look at the entries, and vote on your favorite! You only have ...

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Mo' Milestones, Mo' Awards

skoolmunkee at 8:06AM, June 27, 2012

selecthumor's series Hephaestus has now reached 200 pages! AND with the 200 pages, his quarter year hiatus should come to an end and Chapter 5 now begins! :D

Arachnid Goddess by Chernobog has reached 550 pages!

The DD Awards 2012 needs lots of volunteers, lots! You should just sign ...

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THURSDAY FEATURE --> Vora Princess of the Skies

Ozoneocean at 5:24AM, Jan. 19, 2012

Sarah Liebowitz doesn't have the best life, but she does what she can. He mother is slowly dying from mesothelioma, and Sarah has to work to pay for her treatment and go to night school at night to catch up on her education.
But things are about to change ...

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Some news to start your year off right!

skoolmunkee at 3:41AM, Jan. 1, 2012

stubblemonkey's strip Tales of the Sly Ditt Inn is 3 years old as of today!

Raidou Kuzunoha the 19th by Strain42 (DD's most nicest user!) has come off hiatus and reached page 150 (151 actually)!

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