Art by Ozoneocean
For THIS particular DD Quackcast we were inspired by clever and incisive newsposts made by Pitface and Kawaii. Kawaii made a great post about the idea of going for your dreams before it's too late, using the Paradise Falls trip from the movie UP as ...
Quackcast 280 - Ruts and Dreams
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 19, 2016Rock the Vote: 2016 DD Awards Voting is Now Open!!
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, July 4, 2016
Howdy, Ducks!
The time to vote has now arrived and the ballot can be found in this Google Docs link that Niccea lovingly put together:
Here are the basic rules:
Ballot will be open from 7/3/2016 until 7/30/2016.
~One ...
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, June 13, 2016
It is now time to vote for the trophy design that will be used for the Drunk Duck Awards this year. Please visit the trophy design thread to vote, or you can send Niccea a PQ. VOTING ENDS ON TUESDAY, JUNE 14th!
Vote here: ...
2016 DRUNK DUCK AWARDS: FYC Comic Jam and Commercials
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 30, 2016
The Drunk Duck Awards FYC Comic Jam has started and going strong. There is still one last page that needs to be claimed. Also, anyone that wants to can send in “Commercial Pages” that break away from the plot. We have some people that are submitting an FYC page without ...
The Great DD Electronic Meet-Up
HippieVan at 12:00AM, May 6, 2016
Hi all, for those of you who are regular users of the site but don't frequent the forums, I just wanted to draw your attention to this. We've been talking about doing basically a big group skype “meet-up.” If you're interested, the thread is here: http://www ...
Join the Drunk Duck Awards FYC Comic Jam!
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, April 25, 2016
I decided that for this year we will try out doing a comic jam for the For Your Consideration (FYC) pages.
"A comicjam is a creative process where one or more artists collaborates on drawing or painting one single comic. Often the process is that one ...
Quackcast 266 - An evening with Banes
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 12, 2016 LISTEN!
Art by Ozoneocean
Banes, in case you were unaware, is the gold plated titanium platinum alloyed anchor of the Quackcast. This stand-up Canadian gent has been a solid part of DD for a while now, without his great humour, jovial personality, great talent, and lightning wit this podcast would ...