Say It Straight, Simple and With a Smile

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 23, 2015

-Art by Gunwallace

Hello Ducks! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Last week was filled with big holidays like Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday/Carnival, Ash Wednesday, the Lunar New Year (Gung Hay Fat Choy!) it is now the year of the Ram! I think I spent Sunday watching the Oscars ...

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QUACKCAST 206 - Turning An Idea Into A Comic

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 17, 2015


Art by Ozoneocean

Back in January our own HippieVan was in a quandary as to how to turn a creative idea she had into a webcomic, so she decided to put it o the DD community and croudsource their wisdom via a newspost. Banes and I thought the ...

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The Digital Dark Age Cometh!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 16, 2015

Does everyone remember floppy disks?

This morning, the top trending topic was the warning issued by Vint Cerf, vice-president of Google, that we must create tangible back-up copies of all our digital works or else we may lose everything, every memory in a “digital Dark Age”. So I read about ...

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The 2015 Drunk Duck Valentine's Day Card Exchange Extravaganza!!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 9, 2015

(click cover image for a printable version of all the cards)

Valentine's Day is this upcoming weekend and to commemorate this most lovely of holidays, a group of Drunk Ducks have come together to bring you the most unique set of Valentine's Day cards. This set is a ...

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2015 Radio Play - Call for Scripts!

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Jan. 9, 2015
tags: 2015, play, radio, scripts

As I mentioned in last week’s newspost, we’re in the beginning stages of doing this year’s radio play. The first step will be to choose a script (or two)! Here are Kroatz’ rules for scripts.


Here's what we're going to ...

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QUACKCAST 200 - DD community 2014 year in revue

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 6, 2015


OMG this is our 200th Quackcast! It's also the very first Quackcast of 2015! In this DD webcomics community podcast we invited people to tell us about some of the awesome, terrible and interesting things that happened to them in 2014, and tell us they did! Some ...

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Drawing from Life

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 5, 2015
tags: drawing, life

Around Spring of last year, in an attempt to keep my pen moving, I signed up for a life drawing class. It was the first time since high school art class that I was going to draw human models in real life. Over the last decade, most of the human ...

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Quackcast 197 - The sidekicks take over the QC

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 16, 2014


Carrying on from last weeks Quackcast inspired by Kawaiidaigakusei's Thoughtful newspost article “An Ode to Sidekicks”, this time the DD community weighs in on the subject and they give us their wise, educated and highly considered expert opinions on the subject of the sidekick in stories! Again ...

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Quackcast 196 - The Sidekick-cast

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 9, 2014


The topic of the Quackcast was inspired by Kawaiidaigakusei's Thoughtful newspost article “An Ode to Sidekicks” that examined the varied subject of The Sidekick. She was inspired by Geoff Peterson, the much loved animated skeleton on the Craig Ferguson show and she went on to examine some ...

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Searching for Printed Comics

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 24, 2014

Sometime after the events of 9/11, my family signed up for our first printed newspaper subscription to keep up with the world headlines. I was a high school sophomore at the time and in order to take my mind off of the United State's imminent involvement in an ...

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