kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, April 2, 2014
tags: Civilian, E, Encicra, Rated

Life was just starting to fall into place for Jensen Wade until an unexpected meeting with his boss sends his life spiraling into a free fall. Now he might need to go back to waiting tables to afford his lifestyle, loft apartment payments, and Natalie, his live-in girlfriend. To add ...

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QUACKCAST 157 - A very modern Modest Medusa

Ozoneocean at 7:00AM, March 11, 2014


Banes returns to the Quackcast to join me on another interview with Jake Richmond of the very popular Modest Medusa! This time we get to find out more about Jake's comic making technique, his writing style, character creation, colour technique, drawing materials, programs and his whole work ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Steamrose

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 26, 2014


A mysterious motorcycle riding scarecrow in a road duel with a masked vigilante, an apocalyptic battle with a mecha angel, a face off with a robotic demon… the deserts of old earth are blasted and ruined, playing host to these titanic confrontations. Steamrose is shaping up to be interesting ...

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Heroes Alliance ZOMBIFIED Cross-Promotion Community Project

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 17, 2014

In order to promote the next chapter of HEROES ALLIANCE, which will feature a team of DrunkDuck’s superheroes go up against an army of the undead led by the terrifying Zombie Queen, we will do a cross-promotion incentive:

Everyone ...

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HippieVan at 12:00AM, Feb. 14, 2014

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!

Comics are the perfect medium for telling love stories because we have access to every part of a character’s life: their innermost thoughts, their conversations, their sly glances at a love interest…
After Oz and Banes did their great 2-part quackcast discussing love in ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> SIN Issue 1: The Beating of the Drums

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 5, 2014

In a dystopian future, twenty-three years after war broke out between the U.S. and Russia, the world has been consumed into two super nations: The Republic and The Union. The year is now 2036 AD.

An underground group of outcast, renegade dwellers called “SINNERS” survived a major blast that ...

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FRIDAY NEWSPOST - Lite Bites Returns

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Jan. 24, 2014

Genejoke is bringing back Lite Bites, and he's looking for contributions!

Lite Bites is a community comic which features short stories from various DDers. If you want to contribute a script, a completed short comic, a single page comic, or if you're interested in doing some writing or ...

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New Year's Eve Countdown to 2014

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Dec. 30, 2013


Greetings, Ducks!
It is New Year's Eve and instead of enjoying the break and planning my year-end celebrations, I am writing the last newspost of 2013. Why? Because The Duck is awesome.

I have just spent the last couple hours going through the highlights of 2013 and ...

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Hippie Van's testing page

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Dec. 20, 2013

Hey everyone! And farewell, also.

When I started writing this newspost I went looking for the first one I ever did. It turns out it was in November of 2013 - that’s over three years of Friday newsposts! I don’t think I’ve ever kept a paying job that ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Joy To The World

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 18, 2013

Christmas is coming and this comic hopes to bring Joy to your World! Joy is a snarky, wise cracking young girl how makes me laugh my arse off! Joy to the World is a four panel comedy comic strip about Joy and her daily life, at school, home etc ...

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