Quackcast 383 - Slow burn

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 17, 2018


The idea for this Quackcast came from a rant by the irascible PitFace. She was talking about how there's a trend in modern SciFi and horror movies to bash you over the head with constant action and it doesn't allow you time to relax and take in ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Children of the Gods

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 11, 2018

What happens when ordinary people suddenly become massively super-powered, possessed of abilities well outside of the dreams of any normal person? Comics tell us they become either super heroes or super villains, this comic looks at it another way… They become gods. Or at least that's how they think ...

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Quackcast 382 - Suspension of disbelief

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 10, 2018


This week we talk about maintaining suspension of disbelief: the way you have to convince people of the world your story is set in and keep them there. Everything you do is done for that, to convince them your characters make sense and the world works. There's a ...

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Quackcast 375 - Categories, genres and rants

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 22, 2018


In this Quackcast we chat about the categorisation of work by specific genres and how it makes it easier to promote your work to people, while for fans it makes it easier to find what you're into, but it can also be a bad thing when people categorise ...

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Quackcast 368 - the Blahcast

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 3, 2018


Welcome to another Quackcast! in this “blahcast” we talk about a lot of different subjects. This Quackcast also sees the arival of a NEW feature! It's the Princess January Show, by VinoMas! Where all the hot gos about popularity on DD is covered.
Pitface tells us that Fury ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Et Spiritus Divino

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 27, 2017

The post apocalyptic world where Aiden lives is not suited to him. He's an intellectual, a reader, and a thinker. His world requires survival skills, hard work, and subsistence living. The day to day is a struggle. There are vicious, savage monsters in this world, hungry for living human ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 5, 2017


We asked for scripts and we got 'em! We have five different scripts in this Quackcast performed by the Quackcast players:
A realistic, dramatic one to start with Usedbooks where murder is on the menu. Yuki, played by Pitface, is doing a bit of detective work, questioning her dangerous ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 1, 2017

Blurb writing is an essential skill you need to develop if you're going to be able to sell your work and make it attractive and interesting to people!
What IS a blurb? Well it's a short little summery of your webcomic (or anything else), it's positive, descriptive ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> The Constellation Chronicle

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 15, 2017

Wainwright and Marcel are investigating a derelict space hulk drifting in the void, when things start to get eerie… Marcel has a terrifying vision. Is it a trick of the mind, madness, or something more sinister? A vision of things to come perhaps. This is thriller, mystery, SciFi, suspenseful space ...

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What IS a Quackcast anyway?

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 1, 2017

Every week I do a newspost about “this week's Quackcast”, but what IS that?
Well, it's pretty simple: it's the official Drunk Duck podcast!
We've been recording these every week (pretty much) since 2010! We talk about the site, drawing, comicing, story and writing techniques, pop-culture ...

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