Quackcast 230 - Getting the formula RIGHT

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 4, 2015


We've talked about formulas before, but mostly in the context of escaping formulas and reinventing them.
NOW however we're talking about using existing formulas to create a story, or creating new formulas and sticking to them to come up with your stories.
Formulas can be a good ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> No Future Vanish in Time

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 29, 2015

Andrew is having a really rotten day when he gets a visit from some busy-bodies who seem to want to make things even harder for him! One of them looks strangely familiar… Because it's his older self! It turns out Andy died rather earlier than he was supposed ...

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Quackcast 229 - Enter the Dragon's den: comic book shops

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 28, 2015


Tantz and Pitface join Banes and Ozone to talk about comic book stores and the experience of going into them… Yes, that's right: webcomicers actually going into REAL bricks and mortar places that sell comics printed on PAPER! o_O It turns out that none of us really do ...

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