Creator Interview: Paul Eberhardt

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, June 29, 2024

Finally! It's time for yet another Creator Interview, and as usual, I have the pleasure of interviewing one more fantastic DDer! This time it's Paul Eberhadt, a wonderful artist and comic creator with a unique style I could discern among many!

Paul already has a bio on his ...

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Creator Interview: Dragonsong12

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, March 23, 2024

Today we are interviewing the accomplished and proliferate Dragonsong12 who has actually completed multiple webcomics!

There's so much to tell as an introduction to Dragonsong12 but suffice it to say that she has one of the most recognizable and uniquely beautiful art styles I have encountered on the Duck ...

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Writing Strong Characters of Any Gender

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Aug. 26, 2023

Last time I'd written about gender toxicity and what a trap it can be for creators seeking to write powerful characters. It is not something that only plagues the “strong female character” attempt, but also the “strong male character” and definitely the “strong LGBTQ+ character”.

Too many of these ...

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Quackcast 636 - The Cusscast

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 23, 2023

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We're talking about swearing! Swearing in comics, types of swearing, the use of swearing, causing offense, taking offense, swearing used as a term of endearment, and ...

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Quackcast 631 - Entitlements

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 18, 2023

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What rights are people actually entitled to? That question is a lot bigger than you think!
The Quackcast today is sequel to last week's about entitled ...

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Quackcast 624 - Comic panel creation

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 28, 2023

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HPKomic is a great guy, he's been on DD since almost the beginning. He alternates the Friday newsposts with me, he focusses on the intricacies of ...

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What you really, really want

Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, Dec. 11, 2022

This is gonna be yet another rambling kind of post and a long one at that–so be warned. In the recent month I’ve been doing some soul searching that ties into this personal Christmas shopping spree of sorts that I’ve had recently. To be more specific, I ...

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The Guy in the Hat Killed the Other Guy in the Hat

Banes at 12:00AM, May 12, 2022

Character Motivation

One thing I appreciate in well written stories is the hidden motivations of characters. Well written characters, just like real people, have contradictions to them. Desires and needs that are sometimes in conflict with each other.

Story structure tells us that a character has to WANT something. The ...

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A Character Equation

Banes at 12:00AM, March 24, 2022

To be honest, I didn't really want to talk about The Book of Boba Fett or Star Wars again in this post.

But nothing else is coming to mind at the moment, and this show has been on my mind, so here we are again!

Many have complained about ...

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Writing in an existing Fictional Universe

Banes at 12:00AM, March 3, 2022

I asked Genejoke if he would answer a few questions about his comic Albion, which
takes place in the Universe Star Trek.

You can read Albion here:

And you can read the interview right here!

So, why did you choose to do a comic set ...

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