This is the 4th and last of Banes' screenwriting tutorials. We round up here with the final two story genres; “Superhero” and “Institutionalised”, rounded out with some more useful time and tricks on writing in general! This series has been part of the Quackcast screenwriting month, beginning with ...
QUACKCAST Episode 71 - Institutionalised superheros, screenwriting part 4
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 3, 2012
and Superhero,
dd play,
Episode 71,
Institutionalised Superheroes,
Screenwriting part 4,
story genres,
the red devil,
twisted mind of stranger
Featured comic -> Twisted Mind of Stranger
skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, March 26, 2012
Welcome to the Twisted Mind of Stranger - a webcomic all about the inner (and mostly publicly airable) inner thoughts of AfterDark. Many of the comics are social commentaries, including favorite topics like “why the internet is terrible” and “things that ruin childhood.” There's some fun ones in there too ...
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