My attractive assistant Skoolmunkee agreed to another guest appearance in order to re-adress this topic.
I asked people about their favourite webcomic genres, why they like them and what makes them so cool and interesting, whether it's the genre they like to read or create in. The genres ...
QUACKCAST Episode - 55 Genres revisited
Ozoneocean at 8:55AM, Dec. 13, 2011Monday feature -> Wyyrd Vintage
skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, Dec. 5, 2011
Welcome to Wyyrd Vintage, the somewhat slice-of-life humor adventures of Falk, Izzie, and friends. Falk is a pale music-loving lad and Izzie is his non-chef not-girlfriend. This cute comic is full of bright colors and marshmallowish people, fun gags, random odd thoughts, and running jokes. So will Falk get the ...
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