Episode 574 - Odd-ball, norm-ball, every ball!

Mar 14, 2022

I consider Drunk Duck (or the Duck Webcomics) to be the Heavy Metal of webcomic hosting sites, because like that excellent anthology comic publication we celebrate the oddballs. On DD we have comics of all different styles, many that would find it hard or even impossible to promote themselves anywhere else. We're open to all skill levels and all styles. We only promote things we consider to have high quality or high potential in our features, but we don't have a particular style prejudice, we don't only feature things that give us a homogeneous, unified look. We're proud of our variety! We don't gate keep or block anyone from access to our site and we feel that's one of our greatest strengths.

Topics and Show Notes

The inspiration for this cast was a thread Bravo1102 made about a mention in the “bad Webcomics Wiki”, about things that indicate a webcomic is “bad”. One of them was that it was hosted on a site like Drunk Duck. The commenters in the thread took exception to that, as you'd expect, coming together to rally against a common threat. I want to be clear that we in no way consider The Bad Webcomics Wiki a threat, it's just an entertainment site focusing on roasting webcomics, the mention of DD was probably made over a decade ago by people who've long forgotten about us now. However the community reaction was interesting and brought up many things worth talking about.

We're the granddaddy of hosting sites, and we're still fit as a bull. We've been around for 20 years (I never tire of mentioning that). Kids have started with us and come back to us as adults. Young adults have started with us and met partners through us. Members have had kids and now their kids have comics with us. Our older members have been with us right up to the end. DD members have gone one to have very successful money making webcomics, have careers in the gaming industry working for people like Rockstar, working in publishing, in Hollywood, working in professional comics for Marvel and DC, etc. Many started out with basic skills and were nurtured and supported by the community here till they developed their skills. And many professional comicers have hosted with us.

Hosting with us is far from being a sign that your webcomic is “bad”, rather it's a sign that you're an independent thinker; that you have something interesting to say that doesn't fit into the cookie-cutter mold of other places on the net. At DD you have a home for your creativity.

This week Gunwallace gave us a musical theme to A Lunatics Tale - Quick step and tap, tap, tap your foot into this funky conversion between Instruments! The light chatter of the electric guitar, the sensible burble of the bass, loud interjections of the trumpets, bombastic quips by the percussion, finishing with an intriguing conclusion from the synth.

Topics and shownotes


Thread about Bad Webcomics Wiki - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/forum/topic/179010/

Featured comic:
Atom Man - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2022/mar/08/featured-comic-atom-man/

Featured music:
A Lunatics Tale - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/A_Lunatics_Tale/ - by BeckKeep, rated T.

Special thanks to:
Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
Tantz Aerine - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Tantz_Aerine/
Ozoneocean - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean
Kawaiidaigakusei - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/kawaiidaigakusei/

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Episode 572 - Myths of fiction part 2

Feb 28, 2022

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Last week we did a thing of the persistent myths of fiction- fictional conventions that we all just accept, and are repeated over and over and even influence real life- for example: that people are blasted back in reaction to being shot. It started as a way of making shooting scenes more dramatic and obvious on film, but became a convention and we all believe it so much that it influences reality- it's part of the famous JFK conspiracy about a “second shooter” because people foolishly think JFK's head rocking “back and to the left” indicated the direction of a gunshot. The kinetic energy of a bullet is imparted to the medium it strikes, typically through heat and destruction when it hits a soft target like a human.

Episode 571 - Myths of fiction

Feb 21, 2022

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There are so many really silly cliché myths from fiction that we all just tend to accept. They're objectively stupid but they get repeated so often that we don't bat an eye when we see them and we can even start to believe them in reality. I thought it'd be fun to dig into them in a Quackcast. I made a thread in the forum for people to contribute to. Unfortunately we didn't get to many in the Quackcast but there's always time to do another!

Episode 568 - Growing up!

Jan 31, 2022

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This Quackcast is about one of the cool things about being an adult: growing out of childhood prejudices and expanding your tastes to try new things. There's this rosy, idealistic idea that kids are culture sponges, open to everything, all experiences and tastes, but that's a fantasy unfortunately. Kids are only open to experiences for a relatively short time before their preferences solidify, but even THEN they have a very strict hierarchy of sources they'll accept those influences from- parents, friends, family etc. A lot of what they like is driven by peer pressure and the opinions of others.

Episode 567 - Fairies, the Darkmatter of the supernatural

Jan 24, 2022

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Pit and Tantz join me to talk about about fairies, fae, Faery, Fair folk, Yokai, and all that good stuff. They're like the dark-matter of the supernatural world: they're not really gods, demons, monsters, or ghosts (though sometimes they are al of those sort off…), they generally fill the spaces between. They exist in a lot of cultures all over the place. They can be naughty spirits, elemental creatures, or animalistic, but generally they're quite alien and unknowable. This discussion comes from Tantz's newspost on Saturday.

Episode 565 - Lady Barbarian

Jan 10, 2022

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“The Girl Boss in the sausagefest” Pitface and Tantz chat are here to chat with me about the subject or lady Barbarians: What they look like, where they originated, why they originated, what they mean, and the logic behind them. They're often overshadowed by their male counterparts (e.g. Conan), and often dismissed as simply an erotic male fantasy, but they've been around just as long and they've also had just as much of a role to play in the traditional “barbarian” mythos as the male versions. Sure, the sexy versions are abundant, iconic, and visually striking, but they're not the be all and end all!

Episode 561 - You are being manipulated

Dec 13, 2021

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This interesting Quackcast topic was influenced by a DDer who has been subsumed by anti-CoVid conspiracy. This inspired me to delve into the reasons for the massive growth in these types of conspiracy and how the current state of the internet contributes to it. I had some theories, but I thought I should do some reading on the subject to see what the real reasons are rather than using guesses to fill the gaps like conspiracy thinkers tend to do. I was quite shocked by what I found.

Episode 560 - When Fiction Meets Reality

Dec 5, 2021

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We all know that fiction and reality are separate things, but fiction mirrors reality and we suspend disbelief to ignore the parts that are unrealistic so that we often treat fiction the same way AS reality. But there are many tropes and aspects of fiction that ONLY work in fiction and can't work in reality. I was inspired to examine this idea because of our Fetish-cast with Fallopian Crusader and his idea that certain fetishes can only exist in comics.

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