Episode 503 - Changing attitudes

Nov 1, 2020

An old man tries to explain modern culture to an even older man… Attitudes change! Things don't stay the same, culture moves on and when we try to hang onto old ideas we can look like idiots, and even worse than that we can hold up cultural progress and hurt people. That's what we're trying to talk about…

Topics and Show Notes

To put it simply, back in the day conformity to one central idea was king, one way of being: Pretty much white focussed, straight, binary, masculine, nationalistic, obedient. If you fit into that you were doing well. We would self police and bully each other to conform. Even young Gen Xers like Banes and I were still under the influence of those old ideals when we were growing up!

Now things are more diverse. Multiple voices have a say. Conformity to one single way of being is no longer acceptable, even though many seem to miss that simplicity, we have to aknowledge that for many it was toxic….
So things change, but we have to realise that some were formed by older ideas and can't be bullied or humilliated out of them. The only way to bring people along with you is to get them to understand and empathise.

This week Gunwallace has given us the theme to Adulting Amy. It's a light, almost techno start, that collapses in a heavy, thunderous thumping jazz number, full of energy and fury. It blasts along like a drum-kit falling down the stairs with an upright piano in tow. All the while the unifying refrain keeps all the disparate elements together.

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Featured comic:
Drunk Duck Awards 2020 - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2020/oct/27/featured-comic-drunk-duck-awards-2020/

Featured music:
Adulting Amy - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Adulting_Amy/, by lcstein, rated T.

Special thanks to:
Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
Ozoneocean - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean
Banes - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Banes/

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Episode 502 - Definitive character moments!

Oct 26, 2020

3 likes, 3 comments

What is the most definitive version of your character? Where does it pop up in your comic? What part of your work most defines your main character and why? What about TV, movie, comic, and story characters?

Episode 501 - Horrorcast

Oct 19, 2020

7 likes, 6 comments

We are the Pretty Things That Live in the House! We all dressed up for a Halloween themed cast today! You can see our weird looks in our Patreon video ($5 and up subscribers). Pitface was a yellowfaced corn vampire with amazing teeth (very midwest), Banes was an old, oooooold terrifying baldy vampire, Tantz was a beautiful, big eyed doctor vampire, and I was an 18th century Vamp (Lestat/Varny), with a face messy with the blood of my victims! And I had in rubber fangs held in by chewing gum, just like a REAL vampire, because the denture glue didn't hold in my good fangs… it just filled my mouth with disgusting glue that stuck all over my teeth XD

Episode 498 - Your culture is MINE now!

Sep 28, 2020

4 likes, 5 comments

This week we're talking about cultural appropriation, cultural adaption and adoption, also stereotypes and all sorts of related stuff. It was inspired by a newspost from Tantz discussing the recent live action Mulan movie by Disney. Cultural appropriation is when you take an aspect that is sacred or important to one culture and own it yourself: decontextualising it, stripping it off it's meaning, making a cartoon version of it, commodifying it, commercialising or cheapening it in some other way.

Episode 497 - It's just kid's stuff

Sep 21, 2020

4 likes, 5 comments

Today we're talking about the idea that entertainment aimed at kids can only be enjoyed by kids and the reason that adults often don't like kids things is because adults just don't “get” them. I contend that everyone, of all ages should be able to enjoy General or kid rated media and the true reason we don't is not because it “isn't meant for us”, it's because it's simply badly written - specifically, it's not the content that's annoying, it's the structure.

Episode 496 - titular titularity!

Sep 14, 2020

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Titles are surprisingly important for your comic! We don't often realise that when we first start them, but a title is one of the very first ways people come across your work. You have to sell it to them and give them an idea of what to expect in only a very few words. You can take a lot of different approaches to that, like teasing and intriguing them with a title that suggests something interesting or mysterious, character names are great for that. You can be completely literal and obvious. You can use a pun… you can take an existing popular title and alter it in a slight way… There are so many things you can do!

Episode 495 - A fan of fanfiction?

Sep 7, 2020

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Fanfiction is a massive subject, there are so many aspects to it, from the bad stuff with the Mary Sues, rampant shipping, author inserts and wish fulfilment etc to homages and great works that extend the story and characters beyond what they were in the original and add interesting and fun aspects to fan favourites. There are many good reasons to do fanfiction: It's fun, you're inspired and want to use that inspiration, all the characteristics of the story are readymade so you don't have to do world building or character development, the work has a built in audience so you're going to have readers no matter what and hopefully some feedback, it can help make you more popular as a creator because of the fans of the original work, and you get to experiment because you can't sell the work or do anything serious with it so you may as well have fun and enjoy it!

Episode 494 - No antagonist is the best antagonist?

Aug 31, 2020

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Does a story always need an antagonist embodied in the form of an active character? I don't think they do! We chat about examples of stories without antagonistic characters that work just as well, if not better than the reverse! This is based on Bane's newspost from last Thursday (link in the notes). Tantz and I have a long argument about what the main antagonist in Wall-E was! I think that a lot of the better Pixar movies don't have their main antagonising force embodied in characters- Inside Out, Moana, Coco, Wall-E etc, and we they do they're not quite as strong or as touching. Even in Up the villain in that only plays the main antagonist for a short time. What d you think?

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