Episode 478 - Pity da fool!

May 11, 2020

Fools are an iconic character trope and I wanted to explore them. They're a lot more varied and interesting than is readily apparent. There's a LOT more too a fool than what something like TV tropes suggests, unless you get into the subtypes… And that's what we explored in this free-form discussion. I introduced the idea in the Patreon only video where Tantz, Banes, Pt and I try and get a handle on the idea for the first time, so that's a good behind the scenes insight into what goes on!

Topics and Show Notes

We worked out that there are many different kinds of fools. The classic idea of "The Fool" comes from King Leer where the fool speaks truth to power, like the little boy who tells the emperor that he's naked, or a lucky, untouchable character that succeeds regardless and gets automatic protection from those around them; reminiscent of the time when mentally disabled people were seen as being "touched by god".

They can be sidekicks like Barney on the Flintstones, or main characters like The Tick, or Maxwell Smart. They can be lovable rogues like Flashman or the famous Scaramouche character. They can be innocents like Andy from Parks and Rec, or they can have an altogether different purpose like Jerry in Parks and Rec: he's a sort of a court-Jester style fool but his role is to show the darker sides of the otherwise good characters as they make fun of him.

Who is your favourite fool? And do you make use of a fool in your work?

The musical feature this week that Gunwallace has given us is theme to Cragwater: Magical, bucolic fairy music. Lush green idyllic meadows on high mountains overlooking sunlit valleys, washed in golden brilliance, walled by faint purple mountains that fade into the distant hazy sky. A brook glitters at the centre as it bubbles and flows between the rocks and grass. This music evokes high places, greenery, and sunlight.

Topics and shownotes


TV Tropes on The Fool - https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheFool

Featured comic:
SteveAndMelvin - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2020/may/05/featured-comic-steveandmelvin/

Featured music:
Cragwater - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Cragwater/, by TallFroyo , rated T

Special thanks to:
Pit Face - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/PIT_FACE/
Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
Tantz Aerine - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Tantz_Aerine/
Ozoneocean - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean
Banes - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Banes/
kawaiidaigakusei - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/kawaiidaigakusei/

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Episode 475 - Tropeagedden! overuse of fashionable tropes...

Apr 20, 2020

4 likes, 3 comments

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Episode 467 - Adaptions and Transmogrification!

Feb 23, 2020

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Episode 460 - Enough trope to hang yourself with

Jan 5, 2020

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Happy 2020 all you lovely people who listen to us! What we're talking about today are tropes in fiction that bother us because they don't exist in reality: they ONLY exist in fiction pretty much. In the cover pic we have an image from The Witcher: he has two big longswords on his back. In fantasy people always carry longswords on their backs. This is a trope that only exists in fiction because you can't draw a sword longer than about 60cm from your back. So people just didn't carry swords like this. Even if it was only to transport them (although ta transport only option makes a sort of sense). This was only even rarely done with Asian swords. We'd LOVE to hear about more of these that other people have noticed!

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Dec 2, 2019

4 likes, 2 comments

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3 likes, 1 comment

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Aug 19, 2019

3 likes, 0 comments

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Episode 391 - personality mix group dynamics

Aug 19, 2018

2 likes, 0 comments

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