Episode 463 - Sexposition is not a new thing

Jan 26, 2020

Sexpostion is sex plus exposition, it's exposition with sex on the screen. Tantz Aerine addressed the topic of sexposition in an article last year, but what we're doing here is talking about the reason it even exists, why it isn't a new trend, and why it probably won't last.

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Basically, movies and TV shows always get more and more sex and nudity in them when broadcast standards are relaxed. Sex and nudity draw in viewers so they're always popular tools. Back in the 20s during the early days of Hollywood films had more sex and nudity, but then politics caught up with them, standards were introduced and that changed. This pattern has repeated over and over with every form of media delivery service and in every country (the introduction of video, porn films going mainstream in the 1970s, the rise of “art house” cinema, pay TV/cable TV etc).

The main reason for the current trend of sexy stuff in TV shows isn't a reflection of modern culture in general, rather it's because broadcast standards for streaming content are loose because they haven't caught up with it yet. The sex and nudity is there because they can get away with it, same as has always happened in the past when standards and the rest of culture hasn't yet caught up.

Some subjects we touch on are… a tangent into musicals, the sexposition heavy Australian TV sows Alvin Purple (1970s), Number 96 (1970s), Chances (1990s), Art house film directors like Almodovar and Fellini, and various brief mentions of modern TV that reintroduces the trend such as Deadwood, The Deuce, West world, The Witcher, and of course Game of Thrones.

This week Gunwallace has given us the theme to ACCIDENTALS: A gathering of titanic forces, powerful energies coalesce, let the epic battle commence. Dark times lie ahead for earth's mightiest heroes. This is an orchestral war anthem for superhumans! This theme would go perfectly over the opening credits of an A grade superhero film!

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Sexposition newspost - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2019/dec/20/sexposition-do-not-google-that/

The third Wife (movie Tantz mentions) - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7692966/

Transneptunian, a sexposition heavy comic by El Cid - (NSFW) https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/TransNeptunian/

Featured comic:
Shrouded RD - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2020/jan/21/featured-comic-shrouded-rd/

Featured music:
ACCIDENTALS - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/ACCIDENTALS/, by Boy Phaff, rated M.

Special thanks to:
Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
Tantz Aerine - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Tantz_Aerine/
Ozoneocean - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean
Banes - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Banes/

Episode 460 - Enough trope to hang yourself with

Jan 5, 2020

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Happy 2020 all you lovely people who listen to us! What we're talking about today are tropes in fiction that bother us because they don't exist in reality: they ONLY exist in fiction pretty much. In the cover pic we have an image from The Witcher: he has two big longswords on his back. In fantasy people always carry longswords on their backs. This is a trope that only exists in fiction because you can't draw a sword longer than about 60cm from your back. So people just didn't carry swords like this. Even if it was only to transport them (although ta transport only option makes a sort of sense). This was only even rarely done with Asian swords. We'd LOVE to hear about more of these that other people have noticed!

Episode 455 - Religion in fiction

Dec 2, 2019

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We're talking about how religion is portrayed in fiction and a bit about WHY. This was a surprisingly fascinating topic. I came up with the idea while watching the old 2000s SciFi series Andromeda: one of the alien characters there is sort of a space Buddhist, and I felt like that was a pretty common thing in American TV Scifi, so I wondered about what other kinds of religious tropes exist in contemporary fiction, fantasy and other SciFi worlds.

Episode 451 - Fans who criticise are are good fans

Nov 4, 2019

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“Toxic fans” is a bit of a catch cry now and that has seemed to turn into the idea that any fan who is critical of something or doesn't like it isn't a “true fan”, fans must should love everything. I find this a dangerously silly notion and one clearly driven by business interests with only a limited relationship to reality. It's quite similar to the idea that you're “either for us or against us”, the twisted idea of “patriotism” that says you must agree with and love everything your country and your leader does no matter what or you're a traitor.

Episode 441 - Cooperation = cool

Aug 26, 2019

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Cooperation Vs Competition. For decades the mantra was competition is good: it produces progress and makes things better… Well that's actually false. Competition is what you're forced into as a response to limited resources, so you do what you have to to win, which mainly involves losing everything that doesn't serve that specific objective. Competition is massively harmful to progress in general, it ONLY helps you excel in one small area to massive cost. Think of it in terms of an Olympic sprinter: they become the fastest runner in the world, but to what point? Only the artificial structure of a sporting event… they spend years training, exercising, eating right, wasting a huge portion of their lives, creative, and intellectual potential on that one meaningless goal, and IF they achieve it they might get a bit of fame and money and a footnote in history because someone else will inevitably take their spot. More likely though they won't achieve the goal and instead be forgotten.

Episode 435 - Spinoffs!

Jul 15, 2019

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We're discussing spin-offs in this one. Why do them? There are many very different reasons for doing a spin-off as opposed to a sequel, prequel or a totally new story:

Episode 434 - Where do your characters exist?

Jul 8, 2019

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This time we're chatting about settings and where your characters exist in space… where does all the action happen in your comics and WHY does it happen there? Bane's had the really novel idea of thinking of story settings as action playsets, which are toy settings made based on a TV show or movie where you can play with action figures and act out key moments FROM the TV show or movie: Unlike a dollhouse they only have the key sets where the important things happen.

Episode 419 - The Rating Game

Mar 25, 2019

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It's the rating game! Yeah! This Quackcast was inspired by Emma Clare's newspost on Friday about rating levels. On Drunk Duck we have 4 rating levels so they're nice and simple: “E” for everyone, “T+” for teens, “M” for mature, and “A” for Adult! We talk about why ratings exist and how to use them.

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