Episode 525 - Sexual Tension

Apr 5, 2021

Sexual tension between characters is a great way to augment the conflict that drives a story. The audience really wants that to resolve into a relationship or at least an assignation of some sort… The longer it goes on though, the bigger they want the coming together to be, which can be dangerous for the creator because it's so easy to disappoint. it's usually better to resolve the tension earlier than later, OR keep it going forever but keep it interesting and don't ever sour it or make it turn stale.

Topics and Show Notes

Some noted and classic examples: Moonlighting was famous for its great sexual tension and the terrible way they flubbed it, The X-files did the same sort of thing, basically they both left it too long before getting a resolution to it and ended up disappointing viewers. Tenchi Muyo is one of the originators of the classic “harem” anime genre, but unlike later copies it generally handles the concept well, not favouring a pairing between any of the characters over much. Cheers and Friends are classic American sitcom versions of this style of story telling. The cover image is from the music video for Genghis Khan by Miike Snow where a James Bond and supervillian style characters are depicted as suffering the throws of sexual tension in a beautiful piece of comic story telling.

This week Gunwallace has given us the theme to Golden Spiral: This reminds me of the start of Forever autumn from Jeff Wayne’s The War of the Worlds. It has the same sort of energy… a beautiful melancholy tune with a slightly threatening, unsettling feeling… maybe a use of tritones?

Topics and shownotes


Genghis Khan by Miike Snow - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_SlAzsXa7E

Featured comic:
Hungry Heart - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2021/mar/29/featured-comic-hungry-heart/

Featured music:
Golden Spiral - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Golden_Spiral/, by Kumako, rated E.

Special thanks to:
Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
Tantz Aerine - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Tantz_Aerine/
Pitface - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/PIT_FACE/
Ozoneocean - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean
Banes - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Banes/

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Episode 521 - bluecuts34 on X comics

Mar 8, 2021

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Today we're interviewing Bluecuts34 who is one of the crew assembling the DD horror anthology to raise money for Drunk Duck! They are the author of an adult comic (Castle of Joy), so Bluecuts34 is on today to talk about adult comics in general! The discussion between Pit, Tantz and Bluecuts34/Mal was fascinating, tackling all different aspects of erotic and porn comics. Castle of Joy is a fantasy X comic with action happening between two characters: one lady and one non-binary. Subscribe to our Patreon bellow to see Bluecuts34 on video and hear them tell us what they think of Milo Manara and his erotic comics!

Episode 514 - how fiction gets your job wrong

Jan 18, 2021

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When our jobs are shown in fiction they usually get it wrong. We talk about HOW they get it wrong here… Pit tells us all how she's basically Indiana Jones and Lara Croft rolled into one LOL! …or the opposite of that, I can't remember. How does YOUR job differ from what they show in movies and TV? Special… -SEE the led Zeppelin shirt Pit harangues me for in our Patreon vid

Episode 513 - Mask of the Mandalorian

Jan 10, 2021

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The Mandalorian is pretty unique in that he keeps his face hidden almost the whole time. This is very rare in TV and movies, the rule is that we HAVE to see the actor's face, so they rarely even keep on hats let alone remain fully masked! Yes, there are examples of it but they're few and far between. It's very cool that they've allowed the character to remain hidden for most of the show and he's much cooler for it because it allows the audience to fill in what he really looks like or just imagine him as a cool faceless avatar of awesome.

Episode 504 - Decompression

Nov 8, 2020

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For our Patreon video I decided to dress as the WW2 Captain America (from the movie, Captain American the First Avenger). That and the very de-compressed nature of the US election led us to chat about what was going to happen! It wsn't till JUST after the video that we heard that the US offocially had a new president! So you can see me pictured bellow in my costume or become a Patreon and see the vid :)

Episode 498 - Your culture is MINE now!

Sep 28, 2020

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This week we're talking about cultural appropriation, cultural adaption and adoption, also stereotypes and all sorts of related stuff. It was inspired by a newspost from Tantz discussing the recent live action Mulan movie by Disney. Cultural appropriation is when you take an aspect that is sacred or important to one culture and own it yourself: decontextualising it, stripping it off it's meaning, making a cartoon version of it, commodifying it, commercialising or cheapening it in some other way.

Episode 490 - Genres of webcomics!

Aug 3, 2020

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Aren't genres great? They're so useful for categorising what we like and selling our work. Today we're chatting about all the genres that are popular in webcomics now, that we know of. Back in the day webcomics were mainly defined by TWO genres: slice of life, and gaming. And out of those two gaming was king! Actually a lot of comics combined the two. The biggest were things like 8 Bit Fantasy, PVP, Penny Arcade, and Ctrl Alt Delete.

Episode 488 - DD Anthology details!

Jul 20, 2020

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This week the brilliant Damehelsing (aka Agiebun), comes on to tell us the details of the DD anthology! Last week Boundbun gave us a general overview but now we're having a look at exactly HOW it's going to be done and how YOU can contribute to it. We'll have details and discussion on the DD Discord server as well as in our Twitter and on the forums. Currently there are 5 themes that we're deciding between: Urban fantasy, Noir, Community, Horror and Halloween. We'll have to decide which of those we like best to tie together the whole thing!

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