Episode 452 - Storytelling styles change!

Nov 11, 2019

Storytelling styles change over time for various reasons: fashion, audience expectations, competition for audience attention due to increased choice and availability of media, technological limitations and abilities, and culture. We chat about the reasons for the changes and how styles have changed.

Topics and Show Notes

Technology is the easiest factor to point to: with the rise of Netflix offering binge watching more and more TV series turned to long story arcs and minimised the episodic aspects. This in turn influenced other media because audiences were primed to expect longer story arcs: comics, book series, games and even movies like the Marvel Universe have a focus on long story arcs over the course of several films.
For digital comics Scott McCloud talked about the idea of “infinite canvas” because comics on a screen are not limited by the area OF the screen but can move outside of it. No one really picked that up seriously, there were experiments made but nothing really took till Webtoons started to force creators to use their vertical scrolling format (for mobile phones), this in turn influenced a new style of storytelling: an entire chapter released as one continuous scroll made up of many connected single panels. You can listen to us chat about that on our Patreon only video :) - https://www.patreon.com/DrunkDuck

Although I think the TRUE genesis of the continuous scrolling chapter release was actually the sites that pirate and release manga titles. These were massively popular well before Webtoons came about. They'd release full manga issues with every page in one scrolling stream rather than single panels. It worked very well, whether reading it on a phone or full computer, despite the need to zoom in when using smaller screens (a single panel column is a silly, arbitrary limitation).

Another huge influence for storytelling styles has been choice: there is now a huge range of easily accessible media available so stories need to be able to grab their audience quickly and keep them, or they just move on to the next thing. This goes for all formats (movies, books etc). This means that most stories start off rather fast now, often dropping you in the action and quickly introducing characters, as opposed to the much slower pace of older styles.
Listen to the full cast to find out more!

This week Gunwallace has given us the theme to The Jacket Comic: Wiry, punk, gritty, shiny and cool, this one jangles in on lyrical chords, sounding indie-rock with an almost Arabian flavour at times as the strings howl and echo up and down the scales. A rocky tune it for the coolest jacket in the world.

Topics and shownotes

Featured comic:
Full House by Projectnutz - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2019/nov/06/featured-comic-full-house-by-projectnutz/

Featured music:
The Jacket Comic - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/The_Jacket_Comic/, by RTHaldeman, rated M.

Special thanks to:
Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
Tantz Aerine - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Tantz_Aerine/
Ozoneocean - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean
Banes - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Banes
kawaiidaigakusei - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/kawaiidaigakusei/

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Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks!
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Episode 451 - Fans who criticise are are good fans

Nov 4, 2019

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“Toxic fans” is a bit of a catch cry now and that has seemed to turn into the idea that any fan who is critical of something or doesn't like it isn't a “true fan”, fans must should love everything. I find this a dangerously silly notion and one clearly driven by business interests with only a limited relationship to reality. It's quite similar to the idea that you're “either for us or against us”, the twisted idea of “patriotism” that says you must agree with and love everything your country and your leader does no matter what or you're a traitor.

Episode 441 - Cooperation = cool

Aug 26, 2019

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Cooperation Vs Competition. For decades the mantra was competition is good: it produces progress and makes things better… Well that's actually false. Competition is what you're forced into as a response to limited resources, so you do what you have to to win, which mainly involves losing everything that doesn't serve that specific objective. Competition is massively harmful to progress in general, it ONLY helps you excel in one small area to massive cost. Think of it in terms of an Olympic sprinter: they become the fastest runner in the world, but to what point? Only the artificial structure of a sporting event… they spend years training, exercising, eating right, wasting a huge portion of their lives, creative, and intellectual potential on that one meaningless goal, and IF they achieve it they might get a bit of fame and money and a footnote in history because someone else will inevitably take their spot. More likely though they won't achieve the goal and instead be forgotten.

Episode 436 - Master of none?

Jul 22, 2019

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To become truly successful at one thing you need to focus on that alone. Is it worth it? There are MANY calls on our time with all the side things we like to do, ESPECIALLY webcomics. One of the few ways to become a really successful superstar at any one thing is to start dropping all the other things that call on your time and devote all your energy to that one thing! Then you can push past all limitations and devote the effort and time needed to properly succeed.

Episode 432 - How to get more readers

Jun 24, 2019

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Just Banes and I for this one! Today we have 3 topics: 1. Being positive and how that really helps us in online communication and social networking, as well as giving a boost to those we talk to- very important in comic communities. 2. How to get more eyes looking at your work. We always need to build our audiences! 3. Updates for drunk duck to modernise the site… We're going to have to raise a lot of money for this! How is the best way?

Episode 431 - Political messages in your work

Jun 17, 2019

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This Quackcast is about having political agendas in your work and expressing them well! We're talking about deliberately putting in ideas that you want to get across to people, NOT the idea that all work has agendas and ideas no matter what. That's not relevant to this discussion. When you want to want to get your ideas across there are good ways to do it and poor ways. When you do it poorly your work either has the opposite effect (people will laugh at your agenda or despise it), or it becomes propaganda. Propaganda is for preaching to the converted, it's terrible for changing minds. The only thing it's good for is motivating people who are already on-board with you.

Episode 425 - Pay-off or rip-off?

May 6, 2019

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In this Quackcast we chat about set-ups. pay-offs, and rip-offs. To make your climaxes and endings more satisfying you have pay-offs for audience expectations: set them up in the story and pay them off at the end. If you fail to pay-off then you get a rip-off, it's pretty simple. Your audience will be really disappointed. That's not to say disappointing and unsatisfying ends to stories are wrong, not at all! Often those are fully intended. We're just talking about satisfying audiences, not “good” endings.

Episode 419 - The Rating Game

Mar 25, 2019

4 likes, 5 comments

It's the rating game! Yeah! This Quackcast was inspired by Emma Clare's newspost on Friday about rating levels. On Drunk Duck we have 4 rating levels so they're nice and simple: “E” for everyone, “T+” for teens, “M” for mature, and “A” for Adult! We talk about why ratings exist and how to use them.

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