Episode 118 - The Industry Standard

Mar 25, 2013

In Quackcast 118 Banes and I approach the subject of Photoshop, attempting to give a quick intro to the dark, mysterious, primordial creator god of webcomics... in our own rambling way, well in MY own rambling way since I'm the on bumbling through pretending to know what I'm talking about while Banes asks sensible questions to prod me along onto the correct lines again. We chat about layers, setting stuff to "multiply" and what that means, mention short-cuts, pallets etc. One of the conclusions we come to is that good old Photoshop is such a gigantic behemoth that as a webcomic artist you don't really need it anyway since it's massive overkill and there are many specialised art programs that are more streamlined and more clearly focussed on the art skills you need, BUT if you really MUST have a pro photo-editing tool like Photoshop hopefully this gives you at least some brief info on it- as much as you can without screen-shots and stuff. :)

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Episode 117 - Figuring Out How to Draw

Mar 18, 2013

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After Bravo1102 mysteriously vanished from his remote, smelly, shack in the wilderness, Banes and I were thrown back onto our own not inconsiderable resources in an attempt for a replacement topic! That was provided for us serendipitously by Skoolmunkee and her fantastic newspost about figure drawing! So Banes and I go into detail about the importance of drawing models from life and about some of the tricks of the trade- i.e. shorter poses tend to be more dynamic than the longer ones, and other helpful tips like using movies for reference as opposed to photos if you want to get better poses, scenes and see how clothes and fabrics work... The topic of this weeks Quackcast has inspired us to tackle more technical subjects, so next week: Photoshop!

Episode 115 - A New Order

Mar 4, 2013

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Skool has temporarily reformed from her evil ways to come onto the Quackcast with Banes and Ozoneocean to talk about some changes to the newsposting and feature schedule. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *WITH SLIGHTLY LESS TRAFFIC to the site we think it’s better to give one feature an entire week’s focus and spotlight to get as much attention as possible, having it on Wednesday makes sense because it’s the middle of the week, Skool and I will both try and give a bit of a take on the week's feature, if not in the blurb, certainly on the Quackcast! And please remember to give us your feature suggestions! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *MONDAY NEWSPOSTS are now Skool’s space: Monday will be her place for posting her unique brand of skoolness...fun, interesting personality blog posts, not just standard news posts necessarily! Skool is in charge of our Tublr thing, but she also posts a whole lot of her own stuff in her Tumblr accounts. She can bring some of that picture flavoured magic to the newsposts instead to entertain with her personality, give the site more of a face. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *THURSDAY'S NEWSPOSTS will be Ozoneocean's pale reflection of Skool's magnificent greatness. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *FRIDAYS ARE A NORMAL NEWSPOSTING DAY, but we're going to widen what can go up for DD member newsposts! NOT just 25 page milestones. now we'd like you to tell us about uupcoming projects, news about special things like a comic being published, or comic having special coverpages or crossovers or other newsworthy stuff so we can get the word out and advertise your work for you! Even things like New character introductions, Introductions of new comics that’re just starting, Clever ads for long running already established webcomics or related items like comic Facebook, Google+, Tumblr, Youtube, twitter accounts etc. As long as it's not spammy we'd like to know about it!

Episode 114 - Behind the Bill

Feb 25, 2013

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In this special behind the scenes version of the Quackcast we take a look at the men behind the microphones, their struggles and triumphs as they work tirelessly week after week to put out Quackcasts- We cover the early days, the rising tensions between our two mega-popular superstars, the infamous post-post-post-fencepostmodernist-avantegaurde artsy experimental Quackcasts, Bane's personal hell with his Nesquik abuse issues and the resultant humiliating on air breakdown that shocked the world and brought to light the realities of the inner-city Nesquik problem, Skoolmunkee's short lived return and inevitable decent into evil (currently on death row), Bane's and Ozone's triumphant reconciliation and the return to Quackcast glory for our dynamic duo!

Episode 112 - Live play: Operation MOON!

Feb 11, 2013

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We live up to the promise of two Quackcasts ago: We have a LIVE play for your listening torture! A comic play written by Ozoneocean, full of horrible jokes and starring 5 wonderful duckers all playing their parts to perfection in Operation MOON! It also includes a lot of talk about the origins of our names, ideas for future play based Quackcasts, and a special edition second version of the play done full of giggling! We hope you enjoy this special presentation.

Episode 110 - Ozonehayseed and Banesbillybobbubba Do Old-Time Features

Jan 28, 2013

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This week two down-home good'ol boys escape from the clutches of crazy alien probers and wind up in the middle of a cornfield crop-circle, only to discover week's Quackcast topic: Old time features! Yes, that's right, this is the second time we probe our way into secondhand features, exposing them to the light of day again, trying them on for size and seeing how they fit with current fashions. To that end we've re-looked at some real beauties! Some are still going and some that've since stoped updating, but all six deserve another look 'cause it's all mighty fine work that we are proud to have up on DD!

Episode 109 - Tantzface and Pit Aerine Quacktet TAG TEAM

Jan 21, 2013

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Ozone and Banes are joined by some of our most fave recurring guests Tantz Aerine and Pit Face, to form... The Quacktet! The Quacktet talk about characters, writing and all the things that can go wrong and right with character development, both in story writing and in visual design. Things went a BIT awry and this was our THIRD attempt at doing a Quackcast that eveneing, to top it off I was quite ill at the time too, with a bucket by my side... Tantz says "NO" a lot, we learn that characters need proper discipline (it turns out spanking just isn't enough), we talk about Pit Face working on a new collaborative community project, and Tantz Aerine fighting the good fight as a hero of the modern Greek political resistance.We apologise for getting a little bit silly.

Episode 108 - Skool is in Session!

Jan 16, 2013

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This is the second part of our back to Skool special. Here we continue with the holiday fun spirit and just chat about whatever interested us over the season, mainly MOVIES... The Avengers, Hawkeye is pointless, Thor is too emo looking, Sky Captain and the world of Tomorrow, Angelina Jolie looks like a Martian but is better looking than Ozoneoncen, and Ozone is gay for Captain America, Mr and Mrs Smith is a bad movie, Moon is wonderful, Skool likes maical reality, movies are great for background while drawing, Banes loves the Burbs, Tom Hanks was better in dumb comedies, Raising Arizona rules, Hudsucker proxy was groovy, Burn After Reading is funny. Then Skoolmunkee asks Banes and I some amazingly ridiculous questions. Banes' responses were hilarious. Banes is getting metal underpants for Christmas next year, listen to find out why! Skoolmunkee is evil. Lastly: Make up a Sandwich and or a cocktail based on your comic and tell us about it in the comments!

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