SS7 50 Janey gushes and Sarah blushes

skyangel on March 18, 2020

A high five to all those of you who remembered Jenny from way back in chapter five cos that's a long time ago now for sure, but yes, she's back for a bit to add a bit of sparkle to the story.

When I was at art college my best friend and I would bunk the art history lesson every week by pretending to be going down to the library to do research but instead we slipped out of the building to go window shopping round town instead. We only had 2 hours so we used to leap down the three flights of stairs as fast as we could giggling all the way.
Then one day the old guy who gave the lectures called us back at the end of class and told us he knew what we were doing. I blushed hard with guilt and looked at the floor while my friend protested her innocence and came out with a load of verbal diarrhoea about how much she loved his class and would never miss it for the world, except that he had already seen us leaving from the window! That was the first time I ever heard the expression ‘The lady doth protest too much!’ and I have never forgotten it. If you're gonna lie keep it small! lol

Next week: Can Janey makes things any worse? Possibly ;)

Have a nice week :)