Public Profile

Blazewolf rock

member since September 09, 2007


14 year old Boy

My B-day is 12/30/1992

I am a freshman in high Atlantic Institute Of Tech In NJ

I like a lot of anime, which one is my main fav, i have no idea.

My fav games would have to Be the Kingdom Hearts series, Okami, and Megaman.

My fav characters would have to be Serenade and Bass EXE.

Comics By Blazewolf rock

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Comics Recomended By Blazewolf rock

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Blazewolf rock's friends

  • Volte6
  • F_Allen
  • Lucarioman_EXE
  • masterdx
  • Souljah001
  • spaceyoshix
  • roastytoasty
  • Rags

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