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member since September 09, 2019


Blah blah blah i guess!

Comics By C_cat

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Comics Assisted By C_cat

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Comics Recomended By C_cat

A reboot of "A Loonatic's Tale," this comic follows Flint and Zinc as they stumble upon murder scenes and conspiracies. It's too bad no one ever believes them.

A collaboration by the creator THE SQUIRREL MACHINE, Hans Rickheit and his wife, Krissy Dorn. DELIA is a struggling young squirrel with scientific ambitions who makes a confounding discovery. Will it revolutionize the world, or will it bring about chaos and destruction?

Do you believe in ghosts? No? Well, the woman that haunts our nameless boy doesn't believe either. It will take one hell of an exorcism to get rid of her, especially since the boy had to do something with her death...

Chronicles the tales of the city of Dicksville and its citizens. Updates monday-friday probably

Sarah is a fairly ordinary person who just wants to lead a quiet life but seems to have a habit of getting herself into extremely complicated situations! Contains themes of an LGBT nature.

None remember when the fog blotted the skies of holy Sentivio. Then came the plague, transforming heretics into twisted demons. Now many years hence a noble girl wakes with a knife at her neck. She is immune to the plague, and prophecy says she must save us all, but all she wants is escape.

Set in Ukraine after the fall of the Soviet Union, in an alternate 1995, this is a story of civil war, terrorism, revolution, missing nuclear weapons, and some really questionable MREs. Hang on tight and enjoy the ride! (Note -- this comic was started/scripted in 2010 and thus predates ...everything since 2010 It's not/was never intended to be a commentary on current events.)

A dark drama about awful people, abuse of the sick and vulnerable, and mental health. CW: mental illness, suicide, abuse, violence, trauma, bigotry, substance abuse, and nudity.


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