Public Profile


member since July 07, 2008


Call me Caz. :D Hi there. Usually I simply write, but I draw as well and now and again I have a hankering to make a webcomic. And, heck, now I am making one, along with the rather awesome Pyth.

When Im not screwing about on the internet, I also enjoy reading, and Im rather fond of cooking. Im not very good at it; I just enjoy playing mix-and-match with ingredients and seeing what happens. :D

I have a slightly terrible obsession with dark and twisted plots/characters. That and animal people, plus wacky magic, superheroes and mad science. But everything tastes better with a little dark n twisted.

You can also find me around:

Comics By Cazrulon

  • Fantasy |
  • 0 pages |
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Every culture has its myths and stories of the afterlife, and all have two things in common: firstly, they are all wrong, and secondly, they are all based in some distant way on the real afterlife. It's called Downside, and it will swallow you whole.

Comics Assisted By Cazrulon

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Cazrulon

It's a fantasy comic loaded with unashamed homages to my favorite horror movies, featuring a colorful cast of characters, and for some of them I mean that literally. The cast is mostly non-human, both mythological creatures from folklore and original creatures. A lot of friendship and found family, and a few rampages of revenge.

Purgatory is a tower that offers a group of convicts a second chance at life, if they can survive the climb. But who built the tower, and for what purpose are they holding this "contest"? The answer lies at the top, if they can manage to reach it.

Cazrulon's friends

  • Kenrocks
  • Volte6
  • Pythian Habenero

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Videos Shared By Cazrulon

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