Public Profile


member since January 01, 2008


What do I like? Lets see,I like Kingdom Hearts,Megaman,Final Fantasy,Pokemon,Computer,TV,and Roblox. Well,bye!

Comics By DarthVaderS1999

  • Fantasy |
  • 8 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
The Four Light Warriors,Cole,Conner,Drake and Suso go on a adventure,and a lot of things go wrong...

Comics Assisted By DarthVaderS1999

No comics.

Comics Recomended By DarthVaderS1999

For as long as both have existed, humans and the pokémon who accompany them have learned about themselves, the world, and each other by going on a journey (even if sometimes you have to be dragged along for the ride). The journey that begins with Bklcbkl (a naive human) and Nozo (an annoyed pikachu) leads to a grand intersection of journeys that will determine the fate of the future.

DarthVaderS1999's friends

  • therealtj
  • MysteriousJeff
  • Tifa Valentine
  • Volte6
  • crocty
  • InuYasha_Rules
  • TheFlyingGreenMonkey
  • endo101
  • TheLuigiMan
  • XM0stLyGhOstLyX

forum topics started

Videos Shared By DarthVaderS1999

No videos.




endo101 at 4:32PM, June 22, 2009

Hey thx for the add PS is it just me or am I like the only non-tin member or something...

Tifa Valentine at 8:00AM, June 17, 2009


Tifa Valentine at 8:00AM, June 17, 2009

I love the KH comic! Keep it up!(and thanls for the add! ^__^)

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