Public Profile


member since October 10, 2007


The print version of this comic is now available from and be sure to visit the site itself, with the content “Galleries” with much more art.
located at fb, currently.

Comics By HalJones

  • Fantasy |
  • 36 pages |
  • last: Dec. 6 2012 |
Beyond Human is a supernatural drama/thriller that revolves around the lives of three individuals: a deadly freak, a self-absorbed punker and the head of a deep black ops agency; a man who can never die, and the things that occur when their worlds collide
  • Fantasy |
  • 20 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
A sketchbook by Hal Jones relating to and giving interesting insite into the graphic novel Beyond Human. Illustrated with over 200 drawings in 64 pages, it's a moving ride.

Comics Assisted By HalJones

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Comics Recomended By HalJones

story of a killer

Supernatural happenings at a hotel, the demise of it's occupants by the maid, and the subsequent romance between herself and a very peculiar Irishman.Set in a Victorian Europe...

'Killing Tree Quarterly' is a rootin tootin, let your long-johns explode with joy, midnight fires in the farmhouse comic book Western about multi-cultural assassins, curmudgeonly farmers, and bloodthirsty circus freaks living in the heady days of 1893.

The Gods of Arr-Kelaan were mortal once. Now each one is learning the limitations - and lack therof - of their newfound positions as gods. CURRENT STORY "Consequences": New gods learn about their powers, and deal with ancient pantheons. Fun!

Martial arts enthusiast and inventor Tommy Zhou has developed a groundbreaking innovation-wrist bands that create an endless variety of weapons from solid holograms. A Platinum Studios comic!

A time tripping tale of a vivacious faerie, her reincarnated champion, and how they try to save the world one era at a time.


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