Public Profile


member since June 06, 2007


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Comics By Hippy_Master

  • Fantasy |
  • 17 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
a goofy totaly random comic with no point what so ever... only to make you laugh and be glad you don't know us... every strip takes you deeper into the goofy lives of one odd group of friends... as they go through one adventure after another...

Comics Assisted By Hippy_Master

  • Adventure |
  • 6 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
an action packed story of a cursed kid force to roam a city enslaved by mechanical beings at night in search for revenge... with his newly acquired powers, he vows to free the enslaved people and take revenge on the ones responsible for this nightmare...

Comics Recomended By Hippy_Master

an action packed story of a cursed kid force to roam a city enslaved by mechanical beings at night in search for revenge... with his newly acquired powers, he vows to free the enslaved people and take revenge on the ones responsible for this nightmare...

A deep story, set in a fantasy world known as Zallia where our hero fights for himself.

Hippy_Master's friends

  • Volte6
  • Kalan
  • Shadow_Kid

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Videos Shared By Hippy_Master

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