Public Profile


member since December 12, 2006



Im Lili, aged 14 and better then ever! ^_~

I have one comic at the moment, the Wisdom Tournament which I am starting to update again. ^_^

Im also, like most people on DD, trying to look for cameo comics for my characters to cameo in, so if you need an extra Sonic gal for your comic, Call me, Beep me, If ya wanna reach me!… Or PQ me! That works too…

Now what else do you want?! …
Mummy! The strange person scares meeee!

Comics By Lili

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Comics Assisted By Lili

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Comics Recomended By Lili

A comic made with sprites taken from the online game Maple Story. Made with MSPaint. Enjoy and remember, keep on smilin'! ^_^

Take a group of the video game characters and have them roam the universe, have reality be a program on a laptop belonging to an imp creature, and you'll have Mixed Bag Comics. (And yes, if it's not obvious, this IS a sprite comic)

Strips revolving around my God, my love, and my idol, Kingdom Hearts! *sigh*

Lili's friends

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Videos Shared By Lili

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Quacklin at 3:05PM, May 11, 2007

Is someone anger?? -.-

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