Public Profile


member since September 09, 2007


Name: Becca

Occupation: Graphic and Artistic Design

Location: British Columbia, Canada

Age: 26

Height: 57

Weight: Shhhh!

Hair: Light brown/redish

Eyes: blue-green

Fighting Style: Really pathetic name calling

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Food: Potatoe Dumplings (Sweedish-goodness!)

Likes: Manga, anime, singing, dancing, musical theatre, God, RPGs and fun times with her friends

Dislikes: Snobs, mean people, bullies, arrogance, olives

Favorite Subject: Art

Fears: Sharks

Comics By RebeccaDell

  • Fantasy |
  • 83 pages |
  • last: July 7 2011 |
Teen angst, highschool drama, and oh yeah.. lots of Brawling, how else can a 16 year old cope?

Comics Assisted By RebeccaDell

No comics.

Comics Recomended By RebeccaDell

There are 2Masters in this world, both of them have the powers to move heaven and earth, and they fight each other over the right to rule the world, humans under them must choose one to follow...

{STORY \ Bruno Cotting {ILLUST \ Viviane {READING \ from left ---> to right [occidental] {GENRE \ Mystery, Thriller

RebeccaDell's friends

forum topics started

Videos Shared By RebeccaDell

No videos.




mayshing at 8:12PM, Oct. 7, 2008

very nice work. :D Glad you like mine.

Viviane_ch at 4:49AM, April 7, 2008

Thousand thanks for your add too and your lovely compliment!!! Your manga style looks very dynamically, wow!

sifueagle at 7:51PM, March 8, 2008

Thanks for the friendship. I love your artwork.

shino at 9:24AM, Feb. 8, 2008

^w^ just wanted to say love the art!!!

Knuckles at 6:28PM, Nov. 15, 2007

I see my comment up there. No worries :D

Lord Shplane at 5:18PM, Nov. 15, 2007

Why would I think that? There're four of my comments on your page. lol!

Knuckles at 1:21PM, Nov. 14, 2007

Thanks for the add :)

maritalbliss at 2:39PM, Oct. 25, 2007


Lord Shplane at 8:46AM, Oct. 12, 2007

You should pride yourself on sexy. :)

Lord Shplane at 1:13PM, Oct. 11, 2007

Well, it's not really that there's anything wrong with it. It's mostly that some of the fans are... how shall I put this... Idiots. And fanboy baiting is one of my hobbies. I saw your comment though, and it was not at all idiot or fanboyish. Good job!

Lord Shplane at 12:13PM, Oct. 10, 2007

Nothing much going on here. I notice you've got CC recommended. I find that comic to be reasonably good, but VERY fun to make fun of. :evil:

maritalbliss at 10:23PM, Oct. 4, 2007

Always nice makin' new chums. That Lalia is a hoot isn't she?

Lord Shplane at 12:35PM, Oct. 4, 2007

Hai. Hao r u?

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