Public Profile


member since December 12, 2008


Sometimes Im nice, and sometimes Im nasty – hee hee!

Comics By Roygbiv

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Comics Assisted By Roygbiv

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Comics Recomended By Roygbiv

A mushroom named Izzy gets kicked out of the enchanted forest and has some silly mushroomy adventures.

Fable Boner is the coolest, funniest and dare I say (oh yes... I DARE) sexiest guy. The only problem is there's not enough of him to go around! If you're lucky he'll be your best friend. And if you're REALLY lucky he'll be your best friend IN BED!

A fresh new start, Odell, a Black Mage/Blue Mage blend, sets out on adventure in the world of FF1 with several other cohorts to thwart evil! Along the way they make new friends, foes, and experience lots of mayhem and wackiness!

Roygbiv's friends

  • Kurosaki
  • Devvy
  • webcomics heh
  • poliwirl100
  • raimusxczar
  • GoldenKirbichu
  • dark link
  • ShadowScar Knight
  • Volte6
  • Altune

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By Roygbiv

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