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member since October 10, 2017


Comics By diegogue

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Comics Assisted By diegogue

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Comics Recomended By diegogue

A group of friends plan a murder mystery themed evening, only to find they have a real mystery to solve: who's murdering Miss Scarlet?

by Tantz Aerine and Pit Face! In 1943, an American P-51 Mustang pilot crashes in the mountaintops of northern Greece. Technically, he's behind enemy lines since the Nazis occupy Greece. But is he, really?

Detective with the most Funny per square inch! (a fat joke? really?)

Surreal comics by the creator of the critically acclaimed SQUIRREL MACHINE and FOLLY. Cochlea & Eustachia defy analysis, as they act on whims beyond the author's scope of rationale. The reader is assured that the narratives herein contained are uncontaminated by plot, character development or sensible dialogue. Relax and look at the pretty pictures.

A Time agent is sent back from a destroyed future, to recover a sliver of true time, and set all things right.....or wrong, again.

A vampire tries to make it in the mortal world.

Kiana's Jungle is story about young Kiana and her side kick Torr. Kiana has been on the jungle island all her life. Very little is known how she end up on the island. And this island is filled with dinosaurs, cavemen and a recently discover mysterious magic gate. Updates on Friday.

Kings Club Graphic Novel Volume 1: digital-first. An Italian mafia boss' daughter has to prove her skills during a clan war, while two hired agents of a multitask worldwide mercenary organization are looking for something called "The Joker" in her family. Genre: Conspiracy Thriller Pulp Neo Noir. Protagonist: Leading lady. Twice a week!

An exiled starship pilot and an alien sorceress stranded on a hostile planet. They develop a grudging friendship as they flee for their lives and fight to prevent an ecological Armageddon.

The Japanese proverb “穴があったら入りたい”

Pinky TA is a diesel-punk comic set in an alternative version of the 20's. It features the sexy Pinky, war, blood, steel, and fire!

A story about four friends and their dangerous journey to an evil queen's castle. Magic, adventure, love and much more!

The Damastesien army, enslaving and pillaging, sweeps the continent in search of their runaway queen. Gambler and thief Mephena Sibiclair travels alone, terrified of capture. The thief meets a mysterious elf on the road who is looking for a girl. Together they flee the Damastesi Empire. It contains F/F which means lesbians which also means galpals. Also my female character get topless sometimes so if you mind that well you are in the wrong place Miss or mister.


diegogue's friends

  • fallopiancrusader
  • Albino Ginger
  • AmeliaP
  • Jason Moon

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