Public Profile


member since June 06, 2010


hey there.

i write. i draw. and sometimes i go outside too. i have a lot of ideas in general for comics, but right now i have just enough time to work on only one at a decent pace. lets see how it goes.

Comics By face_deleted

  • Fantasy |
  • 17 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Ridiculously strange things are happening in the remote town of Sleepy Hills. 16 year old Martin dying and coming back to life is just the latest. What's even stranger is that only one person seems to notice.

Comics Assisted By face_deleted

No comics.

Comics Recomended By face_deleted

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face_deleted's friends

  • Chernobog
  • JZA963
  • Plague Doctor
  • Newway12
  • Volte6
  • MattRasch
  • plymayer
  • Largominus2004
  • cbacolo
  • Castle Pokemetroid

forum topics started

Videos Shared By face_deleted

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Plague Doctor at 10:59AM, Aug. 29, 2010

When's the next update? =)

Plague Doctor at 1:41PM, July 30, 2010

Oh,just leave a comment on my page,or PQ me,whatever floats your boat =P I was just drawn to the dark grim theme that your comic has,and it looked so clean and profesionally done,so I tought "This guy has probably 2-3 more comics",so this was a bit of surprise Epic start,keep it up =)

Plague Doctor at 9:14AM, July 28, 2010

Your comic is awsome :D Is it your first one?

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