Public Profile


member since June 06, 2010


I do not draw (well), dance, or reveal who I am. Mysterious.

EDIT: I also like Gaara. Whoda thunk it?

Comics By hellow

  • Fantasy |
  • 0 pages |
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At the moment I just felt like taking the name. I probably will use it though.
  • Fantasy |
  • 5 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
The stories of Gaara. Yes, it's that Gaara. Yes it's a sprite comic. All sprites are property of TSR.
  • Fantasy |
  • 0 pages |
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The story of Luigi. Yes it's that Luigi. Yes it's a sprite comic. All sprites supplied by TSR.

Comics Assisted By hellow

No comics.

Comics Recomended By hellow

A silly comic about Mario and Luigi's "real" jobs as plumbers.

My TV is naughty, impish, rude and downright evil.

Join the adventures of Red presented to you by Professor Dolphin. Fun fun fun awaits *levels of fun may vary*

includes fancomics for various videogames/animes, also some original comics with my own characters. status: random updates. description: mostly fan comics, but also includes short comics with my own characters.

Basically stickmen which get killed in the most absurd/senseless/inane kind of way.

The amazing super hero adventures of Sunny! :D

In 1942 Nazi-Occupied Athens, Fotis and his gang of fellow war-stricken friends risk their lives to earn their daily meal,hoping to scrape by until the war ends, if it ends. But when a British agent vital to the success of a mysterious plan by the newly formed Greek Resistance against the Nazis goes missing, the children's routine is forever disrupted. Suddenly, Fotis and his friends will have to tell friend from foe and traitor from patriot in time, or the Greek Resistance will be crushed before it even makes its stance. VOLUME 1 COMPLETE!


hellow's friends

  • tektonik
  • Volte6

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Videos Shared By hellow

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