Public Profile


member since March 03, 2007


I totally dont know what to put here. :D

Ok!!! Um…YES! Welcome to my profile page!! I hope you like my first comic, Where Cute Things Go. :3 I have another in the works which should be really fun! I really hope to get it uploaded sooner as opposed to later…crossing my fingers. :) More profile chirping to come!

Comics By lafhaha

  • Fantasy |
  • 60 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Where the Cute Things Go is a webcomic about the lives of several small creatures: Happi Paper, MomoCheet, Pudge, Frankie, Fat Cat and Evil Landlord, and their friends and aquaintances along the way of life.

Comics Assisted By lafhaha

No comics.

Comics Recomended By lafhaha

No recommended comics.

lafhaha's friends

  • Ikos
  • Crazy Dutchman
  • carly_mizzou
  • soulcelshade
  • Chaz McRich
  • MegolaTheGreat
  • roastytoasty
  • Volte6
  • Viviane_ch
  • marine

forum topics started

Videos Shared By lafhaha

No videos.




MegolaTheGreat at 12:16PM, Nov. 29, 2007

LOL I love the video! that costume is awesome :P

Chaz McRich at 2:10PM, Nov. 2, 2007

Thanks for the add chum!

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