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member since January 01, 2007


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Comics By ncbaddwolf

  • Fantasy |
  • 0 pages |
  • last:  |
Superhero spoof about a quirky kid who suddenly finds himself endowed with some awesome powers and decides to be a Hero.
  • Fantasy |
  • 96 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Comic about the life of an often angry pet store owner who must deal with a wide variety of strange animals both at work and in her Apartment. Especially a very goofy Hamster and a very aggressive Gerbil.

Comics Assisted By ncbaddwolf

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Comics Recomended By ncbaddwolf

A comic about everyone's favorite pirate-themed 80s supergroup, Adam & the Ants!

If you like your super-heroes will a super-sized order of french-fried funny, then FantastiTeam is the comic for you. If, on the other hand, you like well-plotted, well-drawn comics that seek to advance the medium... Sorry.

The adventures of Genie-Man, the wish-granting superhero! Updated Fridays.

Sprite based comic, with original sprites! For real. Updated irregularly, but usually once or twice a week.

A Drunk Duck featured comic and winner of the Drunk Duck Awards for Best Humor Scenes and Most Deliciously Offensive. Plus the artist is an Adonis of a man. Handsome, charismatic, suave. He saved my mom's life once! All in all, this is one awesome guy.

Philosophy and absurdities of two fish in a fish tank... Occasional guest stars and external locations.

In a nut-shell, Raw Fish is; The every day cultural shock of an American living in Japan.

Because it sparkles so brilliantly. Comics by Keegan Basset Updates Monday

Life with Mindy and Frog with other random stuff.

A story about zombies... two in fact.


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Videos Shared By ncbaddwolf

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crocty at 9:21AM, Nov. 16, 2007

:O I didn't thank you for adding me! Silly me! Thanks for the add, I love zoo at home, congratZ on the feature!

Ed Comics at 3:53PM, Nov. 3, 2007

You're a friend of Ed Comics now! Awesome! And thanks for the great comments! Rock on!

Chaz McRich at 3:49PM, Oct. 16, 2007

Thanks for the add chum!

antcomics at 11:49AM, July 31, 2007

Thanks for the add! Love yer stuff!

ifelldownthestairs at 12:37PM, July 12, 2007

hey, thanks for the add :D

usedbooks at 7:59AM, June 30, 2007

Thanks for adding me! Keep up the good work on The Zoo at Home. It's high time rodents take the spotlight and begin their long-planned world domination.

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