Public Profile


member since January 01, 2009


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Comics By xX_Jayden_Xx

  • Fantasy |
  • 3 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
The beginning of our downfall came from our sinful arrogance. A retribution of blood and gnashing teeth. Don't worry, I will save your soul... for the right price. Some Things Never Change. [vampires, mature, romance, fallen angels, war, apocalypt

Comics Assisted By xX_Jayden_Xx

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Comics Recomended By xX_Jayden_Xx

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xX_Jayden_Xx's friends

  • Empty Brooke
  • Crazy Kat Lady
  • Volte6
  • littlerain
  • Mushroomcomix
  • quo
  • Mutation
  • lynnlamora

forum topics started

Videos Shared By xX_Jayden_Xx

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Crazy Kat Lady at 7:47PM, Jan. 28, 2009

You leave something in the frige long enough it could possibly turn into a monster XD

Mushroomcomix at 8:29PM, Jan. 27, 2009

Thanks for the add and checking out my comic! Much appreciated :)

littlerain at 4:57PM, Jan. 25, 2009

Hey, thanks a lot for looking at my comic!

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