Chapter 23.16.679

LanceDanger on Nov. 10, 2017

Fred and Jon have not talked since chapter 15, and before that they hadn't talked since Cheryl's death in chapter 11. To say their friendship has been fragmenting is putting it mildly. Also, as a reminder, Last we saw Jon he assigned Tom to be his roommate/protector and Jon also is hiding something from Fred….
Pagewise the rest of the chapter is finished in pencils and inks and been working on the coloring/lettering, so hopefully no hiccups until the end of this chapters (in about 2 weeks). After that, I've been thinking about changing the schedule to 1 update a week for the time being while things at school calm down and also to finish other lingering webcomics (Exorcist one-shot and the Clown mini-series). Anywho, thank you all again for being so forgiving with this comic! *bows*