#003: The Lost Land Pt.1

Kendell on Oct. 28, 2008

This begins the first plot line/story arc, covering the creation of the Chaos Emeralds. I also would like to say that every Wednesday this comic updates three times a day (unless something important comes up). Usually I try to update once a day, monday-friday, and if I'm in a good mood, twice a day or so on weekends. Alot of updates when you add it up. About 11 comics a week. I work to make my comics better because at some point I wish to be hosted/sponsered by a site like MG or Fireball, or somethin like that. Something to work towards. I believe we all should have some kind of goal. It keeps dreams alive. And that… is the daily message. Have a good night, and drive safely. Godspeed. *Shot*

P.S. Please comment on Pages 1 & 2 first please. At least until the NEW message dissapears.