Disorder 1

Genejoke on April 7, 2011

This is the first of a short series by Elektro, the mind behind Negligence and Cubicle.


Elektro says:

The first comic was something that was spur of the moment. I saw a really bad webcomic being printed out and posted around my old college campus, and it had everything I find wrong with webcomics in it: lame gamer “humor”, two guys on a couch setting, copy and pasted “characters”, and misinformed politics. I said to myself “I could make something better than this with nothing but basic shapes in Photoshop Elements”. Thus, “Disorder is Order” was born. I kept my name out of all the comics, as I also posted these around the school where I could, but didn't want them traced back to me at the time. However, in the bottom right corner of the fourth panel of every comic, there is a little logo that is derived from the two initials of my name (TK). The quote in the first panel is from a Chris Rock routine, and I liked it so much I later used it again for a Negligence comic.