Lite Bites Review of LUGNOR SERIES, pt 1/2

Genejoke on Sept. 14, 2011

Killing two space birds with one space rock this time. We reviewed two comics, Tales of Lugnor and Lugnor Riders, both by beloved Duck artist and epic cheesemeister Jerrie. They're both pretty much by-the-numbers space westerns, but with the distinction of being loaded to the brim with gratuitous fanservice, even beyond the norm. Both are set in the fictional Lugnor Republic, and follow similar enough themes that it's questionable why the author made them into two different comics instead of focusing on just one series.

In the reviewer's seats this time around are Dan from Genejoke's Malefic, Sparkle from ShastaB24's Trans Dimensional Trans Superheroes, and Carmen from El Cid's Death P*rn.

Lugnor 1 and 2 aren't doing so well with some of the reviewers, it seems. Will there be a light at the end of this tunnel? Tune in tomorrow for the second part of our review and find out!