Option One - Rough Day

Dan on April 20, 2008

Indeed… things just didn't go well lately. Plus, the school practically forced me to study GATEWAY exams… well, essays, but extremely annoying regardless since passing is required in order to graduate. Though I'll have no problems passing it… unless some hideously dumb luck strikes and shows two topics (Out of everything throughout the entire school year) in which I have no idea what to write about.

Even after the exams, I got lumped with two major projects (Might be three if I'm lucky enough). Really, May isn't going to be the prettiest month this time (And it went so much better last year).

Other than that, no update. I should just tell you to piss off but that would result in self-inflicted wound. Oh why did you football have to bounce back into my face?

Oh lovely, I got a splinter. Just lovely.